Whipped Body Butter: Nourishing DIY for Soft Smooth Skin

Reading Time: 6 minutes
Whipped Body Butter Recipe with Essential Oils

My Whipped Body Butter Recipe with Essential Oils is so easy to make. It will leave your skin feeling soft and supple. The best part of this DIY is that there are no toxins involved! Stock your bathroom cupboard with this luscious, all-natural body butter. It’s a must-have for those cold winter months or if you want to boost your summer glow!

Why an All-Natural Whipped Body Butter Recipe

1. Store-Bought Lotions Are Full of Toxins!

Chemical toxins found in many body moisturizers can cause lines and wrinkles. Beyond cosmetic damage, they cause serious internal problems! Some top skin care toxins include:

Parabens: Parabens significantly disrupt people’s hormones because they mimic estrogen in the body. They’re linked to cancer (1) and can destroy the body’s natural puberty pattern. They can even affect birth outcomes (2).

Synthetic Fragrance: This is a catch-all term for hidden chemicals, many of them carcinogens. Companies aren’t legally required to release what components make up their fragrances, so you never know what you’re putting on your body.

Phthalates: This toxin threatens reproductive health (3), can worsen allergies, and so much more. This isn’t something you need on your skin! It’s used in the product itself and packaging to make plastic stronger.

Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and it absorbs whatever you put on it. Many times, products with a lot of additives will cause skin irritations. When you learn what manufacturers put in their products, it’s no wonder! The better the ingredients you use, the better your results.

2. This DIY Whipped Body Butter Recipe Provides More Benefits!

You might find yourself constantly reaching for lavender-scented body care products. There are plenty of them on the shelves, but they’re not going to do your body any favors. They might even give you a migraine! Your skin might find temporary hydration, but you’re not going to be treating any root causes.

The great thing about making your own DIYs is customizing them to treat your specific needs. If you’re feeling down, there’s an essential oil blend for you! If you need help sleeping, we’ve got you covered! And if you genuinely love the scent of lavender, you’re in for a treat. Lavender essential oil is the real deal, and you’ll be able to tell that it’s better than the fake “fragrances” on the market.

You know your body better than anyone else. It’s time to put the power back in your hands and give you the knowledge needed to amplify your health.

3. A Good Skin-Care Routine is Good for the Soul!

In the busyness of life, it can be hard to remember to take care of yourself. Investing in yourself can promote relaxation and help you find joy in the mundane. Our bodies are temples. They deserve the best care we can give them! Adding my Whipped Body Butter to your skincare routine will moisturize your skin and give you a glow. Often, one good habit inspires another. You never know where a single step can take you!

When considering adding something new to your life, remember first to take care of your spiritual life. Abundant living encompasses seven different areas and ultimately flows from a rich spiritual life.

Safe Ingredients for Lightweight Body Butter

Whipped Body Butter Recipe with Anti-Aging Essential Oils and all-natural ingredients

This recipe calls for just three ingredients. If you’re not already acquainted with them, I know you’ll fall in love with the way they make your skin feel! Here’s what you need.

Unrefined Shea Butter: Shea butter is so excellent for your skin. It’s one of my favorite body care moisturizers! This luxurious butter comes from the shea tree, and it is terrific at helping repair damage (4) done to your skin cells. Stretch marks, acne scars, scratches…shea butter heals it all! I recommend using the unrefined variety, as it’s minimally processed. In this recipe the photos show yellow, African shea butter and that will impact the color of the finished product. You’ll notice in our Teacher’s Homemade Gifts post that we used a white shea butter, giving the finished product a different color.

Mama Z’s Essential Oil Base: My essential oil base is a favorite with our Natural Living Family! I have to admit, I’m pretty obsessed with it myself! I created this concoction when I was pregnant with my daughter Esther. I wanted a formula that would hydrate and nourish my skin without toxins! This base includes jojoba, coconut, sweet almond, and vitamin E oil. Many of my DIYs use this recipe, so I recommend making a batch. Don’t worry; it’s not difficult at all!

Essential Oils: Essential oils are good for so much more than yummy smells. They have the power to detoxify skin, heal age spots, boost your mood, and so much more. You might even say they’re the secret ingredient in this DIY!

5 Essential Oil Combinations for Skincare

If you’re new to essential oils, you might need a little help coming up with good combinations. Here are a few of my favorite essential oil blends to get you started.

  1. Beauty Blend: 20 drops helichrysum, 10 drops frankincense, 10 drops sandalwood, 5 drops lavender, 5 drops ylang-ylang.
  2. Anti-Aging Blend: 20 drops ylang ylang, 10 drops geranium, 10 drops lavender, 10 drops rose absolute.
  3. Focus Blend: 20 drops cedarwood, 10 drops frankincense, 10 drops sandalwood, 10 drops vetiver.
  4. Joyful Blend: 10 drops orange, 10 drops lemon, 10 drops bergamot, 10 drops grapefruit, 10 drops vanilla essential oil OR vanilla absolute CO2 OR vanilla oleoresin
  5. Sleepy-Time Blend: 20 drops Roman chamomile, 20 drops lavender, 10 drops vetiver.

Whipped Body Butter Recipe

This recipe takes a little bit of prep work, but I promise it’s worth it! Here’s what you need to do.

Whipped Body Butter Recipe with Essential Oils
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DIY Whipped Body Butter Recipe

Author: Mama Z




  • Set a glass measuring cup or a jar in a saucepan filled with an inch of water.
  • Place the shea butter in the measuring cup or jar and melt over medium heat, stirring occasionally.
  • As soon as it’s melted, remove the measuring cup or jar from the pan and let cool.
  • Once it’s cool enough to handle, pour the shea butter into a medium glass bowl.
  • Add Mama Z’s Essential Oil Base and the essential oils.
  • Chill in the refrigerator until partly solidified (about 15 minutes).
  • Whip to a butter-like consistency using an immersion blender or handheld mixer.
  • Store in a mason jar.


*You can substitute up to half of the Mama Z’s Essential Oil Base with vitamin E oil.
**If you’re new to essential oils, you might need help figuring out good combinations.
Here are a few of my favorite essential oil blends to get you started.
Anti-Aging Blend: 24 drops ylang ylang, 13 drops geranium, 13 drops lavender, 13 drops rose absolute
Beauty Blend: 24 drops helichrysum, 12 drops frankincense, 12 drops sandalwood, 6 drops lavender, 6 drops ylang ylang
Coconut Vanilla Blend: 32 drops coconut essential oil or CO2, 32 drops vanilla essential oil OR vanilla absolute CO2 OR vanilla oleoresin
Focus Blend: 24 drops cedarwood, 13 drops frankincense, 13 drops sandalwood, 13 drops vetiver
Joyful Blend: 32 drops orange and 32 drops vanilla essential oil OR vanilla absolute CO2 OR vanilla oleoresin
Sleepy-Time Blend: 26 drops Roman chamomile, 26 drops lavender, 13 drops vetiver
***Optional herbs can be mixed in or used as a garnish

Step One: Melt The Butter

Whipped Body Butter Recipe with Anti-Aging Essential Oils for an All-Natural Glow!

Set a glass measuring cup or a jar in a saucepan filled with an inch of water. Place the shea butter in the measuring cup or jar and melt over medium heat, stirring occasionally. As soon as it’s melted, remove the measuring cup or jar from the pan and let it cool for about five minutes.

Step Two: Add the Essential Oils

Whipped Body Butter Recipe with Anti-Aging Essential Oils for an All-Natural Glow!

Once it’s cool enough to handle, pour the shea butter into a medium bowl. Add the essential oils of choice and Mama Z’s Oil Base. Stir to combine.

Step Three: Chill the Mixture and Whip Into Buttery Consistency

Whipped Body Butter Recipe with Anti-Aging Essential Oils for an All-Natural Glow!

Place the mixture in the fridge to chill until it’s partially solidified, about 15 minutes. Whip the somewhat thickened mixture into a butter-like consistency using a hand mixer or immersion blender. Store in a mason jar.

Whipped Body Butter Recipe with Anti-Aging Essential Oils for an All-Natural Glow!



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