Are Air Fresheners Bad for You? Try These Natural Alternatives

Reading Time: 12 minutes
Are Air Fresheners Bad for You? Try These Natural Alternatives

As science continues to scratch the surface of how artificial fragrances are destroying our health and indoor air quality, a common question we get is, “How are air fresheners bad for you?”

One of the first things you do when you step into your home after a busy day running errands, is take a deep breath. Heave a big sigh of relief and relaxation. But… what if that “ocean breeze” or “linen fresh” scent you are inhaling from your fragrant home decor is actually hurting you?

Let’s see what the research says…

More and more unscented, fragrance-free, and free-and-clear products are commercially available as the public becomes increasingly aware of skin irritations and allergy symptoms associated with highly scented personal care and cleaning products. However, the problem goes deeper than the minor inconveniences on most consumers’ minds.

How are Synthetic Fragrances Monitored?

The lack of oversight in the US fragrance industry leaves the public open to massive exposure to a barrage of potentially deadly chemicals. We are surrounded by household cleaners, laundry products, air fresheners, sunscreen, shampoo, soap, body wash, deodorant, body lotion, makeup, facial cream, skin toner, serums, exfoliating scrubs, and perfumes—all with unnamed artificial fragrance blends.

Around 4,000 fragrance ingredients are disclosed on the International Fragrance Association (IFRA) transparency list, (1) and many of them are known to cause serious health problems such as cancer, respiratory difficulty, and hormone imbalances. This means that the word “fragrance” on a label can be any one or a combination of over 4,000 ingredients!

Something else that causes concern is the concentration of artificial fragrances in enclosed spaces with inadequate ventilation, including most vehicles and offices, and many homes; modern homes are designed to be as airtight as possible. They are designed for comfort, cost-effectiveness, and convenience, not health and wellness. This may save on our utility bills, but it exacerbates the issue of indoor air pollution from artificial fragrances (as well as other sources).

No Labeling Required

Unfortunately, due to a legal escape clause, manufacturers are not required to list the ingredients they include in their fragrance blends individually. Originally, this law was meant to allow perfume manufacturers to protect their proprietary blends as trade secrets.

Thus, the ingredients in a fragrance blend are protected from the normal ingredient declaration required under the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (FPLA). (2) In fact, the FDA is not charged with regulating labeling at all—only with overseeing the chemicals that go into the products. (3)

Fragrance-free products cannot contain any artificial fragrances or fragrance-masking ingredients. (4) However, they may contain ingredients that impart or mask a fragrance, and they may contain ingredients listed by IFRA as fragrance ingredients if the manufacturer claims they were included for a purpose other than fragrance. (5) And unscrupulous companies get around this through sneaky labeling practices.

One example of the sneaky labeling of harmful fragrance chemicals includes using the carcinogenic phthalate as a “fixative,” thus bypassing the need to admit synthetic fragrances in the product or to list phthalate as an ingredient. (6)

Unscented products do not elicit any discernible scent; however, this in no (technical) way means that they do not have synthetic fragrance ingredients. (7) In fact, a product labeled “unscented” usually has at least one synthetic fragrance added to mask the unpleasant odors of the active ingredients, surfactants, or cleansers.

Watch out for any product with the following words on the ingredient label:

  • fragrance
  • perfume
  • parfum
  • aroma
  • flavor
  • unscented (usually)

In fact, by using any of these words in the ingredient list, the manufacturer is boldly proclaiming that they refuse to disclose the actual ingredients to consumers whose health is at stake.

Special Price Just for Natural Living Family Readers! Discover our solution to artificial fragrances and breathing pure air in our home…With our Natural Living Family “group buy”, save up to $300 OFF when you buy TODAY. Check out Air Doctor Pro here.

What are They Made Of?

When asking are air fresheners bad for you, consider the toxic chemicals involved! Fragrance blends may contain solvents, stabilizers, UV absorbers, preservatives, and dyes as well as any chemical that imparts or hides a scent, including:

  • carcinogens
  • respiratory irritants
  • endocrine disruptors
  • neurotoxins
  • allergens
  • environmental toxins

10 Ways Fragrances Cause Harm

Synthetic chemicals on the fragrance list have been shown to wreak havoc on the human body. Any of the following health problems may be a result of exposure to artificial fragrances. Are air fresheners bad for you? See the symptoms that can result from exposure.

1. Allergies and Asthma

Many people are allergic to specific fragrances, and a few people with multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS) react very badly to nearly any synthetic fragrance. (8) This may be as minor as coughing, sneezing, and inflamed eyes or as severe as anaphylactic shock. In any case, these allergy symptoms are meant to tell you that your body is trying to expel and reject the substance, and bigger internal damage is afoot.

Synthetic fragrance overload is also implicated in many if not most instances of childhood asthma and in adult recurrence of childhood asthma.

Allergies a Problem For You? If you’re concerned about the air quality in your home, check out Air Doctor Pro – our favorite air purifier and one that we use in our house. We love it!

2. Heart Attack

Chemicals in fragrance products are known to disrupt hormone production, affecting blood pressure regulation and heart health. These chemicals mimic hormones like estrogen, leading to hormonal imbalances that affect cardiovascular function. This disruption can lead to elevated blood pressure and increased risk of heart disease. Exposure to fragrances is also associated with higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure (a key risk factor for heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases). Research suggests that fragrances can also interfere with normal heart electrical activity, potentially leading to arrhythmias and increased strain on the heart.

3. Stroke

The chemicals in fragrances have been shown to disrupt endothelial function, weakening blood vessels and reducing their ability to adapt to changes in blood flow, making them more prone to rupture or blockage. Daily exposure to artificial fragrances can increase blood viscosity and platelet aggregation, heightening the risk of clot formation and ischemic stroke. Fragrances have even been linked to have been linked to disrupted blood-brain barrier integrity, making the brain more vulnerable to vascular injuries and stroke. Promotion of plaque buildup in arteries has also been observed, narrowing blood vessels and increasing the likelihood of strokes due to restricted blood flow to the brain.

4. Cancer

Many fragrance ingredients in popular use are listed by the World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and other authorities as known or probable human carcinogens. (9) Our society must question why we are willing to literally torture and kill ourselves for the sake of pleasantly-scented body care and cleaning products. This is not a new question—some of the ingredients such as formaldehyde have been known carcinogens for decades.

5. Contact Dermatitis

Possibly the most common complaint caused by artificial fragrances, acute or chronic skin irritation is not as minor as it may seem. (10) Inflamed skin becomes more porous, and it allows the product to penetrate in far greater quantities and with far greater speed than healthy skin.

Human skin is not like living plastic wrap which nicely separates each ingredient; it is more like living fabric, allowing fragrance ingredients to absorb into the skin layers themselves and to penetrate through the skin into the subcutaneous fatty layer and the bloodstream, and thus to circulate throughout the body.

6. Depression

Especially in people who are highly sensitive to scents, these chemical blends can alter brain chemistry, resulting in an increased incidence of depression and/or panic attacks.

7. Migraines and Other Headaches

A very frequent presenting symptom of neurology patients is persistent migraines or cluster headaches with migraines or cluster headaches with no known cause. (11) Many doctors actually track the particular scents, and scented products that are most likely to cause problems for their patients.

Plug-in style air fresheners often top the lists, with fabric softeners, laundry scent crystals, and specific perfumes or colognes not far behind. If you find yourself suffering from frequent headaches, eliminating artificial fragrances may help!

8. Nervous System Disorders

Some fragrance-related illnesses are quite serious; in addition to cancer, some fragrance ingredients are capable of causing neurological damage and harm to the central nervous system. (12) Examples of neurological disorders include brain damage, some autoimmune disorders, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and seizure disorders. Clearly, for this type of damage to occur, the exposure would have to be excessive, and/ or long-term.

9. Respiratory Disorders

Acute breathing difficulty is not uncommon upon exposure to synthetic fragrances even in minute quantities, and they can also cause long-term respiratory harm. At high exposures, some can cause respiratory failure, that is death by asphyxiation.

The material safety data sheets (MSDS) of many fragrance ingredients recommend the use of a respirator when handling the chemical because the manufacturers are well aware of the pulmonary risks. (13) Our pursuit of unnatural odors is literally strangling us.

10. Vertigo, Dizziness, and Nausea

These symptoms are early warning signs of chemical overload that is harming the nervous system. Don’t ignore what your body is telling you – learn how to see, and avoid, these harmful chemicals in your home. When looking to relieve nausea symptoms or treat dizziness naturally, look to eliminating unsafe fragrances from your home as a first step!

Special Price Just for Natural Living Family Readers! We were concerned about these health issues (and more) so we decided to protect our family with Air Doctor. Our Natural Living Family “group buy” will save you up to $300 off your Air Doctor when you buy TODAY (plus FREE shipping!). Check out Air Doctor Pro here.

10 Harmful Chemicals in Fragrances

These harmful chemicals are often used as synthetic fragrances. But look at the known harmful effects of these dangerous scents. Then ask yourself how are air fresheners bad for you. So many ways!

1. Phthalates

Due to the ubiquitous presence of phthalates, including use in fragrances and fragrance-free products everywhere, most people are far more exposed to phthalates than they think, and children’s exposure may be 20 times the safe limit. (14) Phthalate overexposure in American children begins long before their first use of scented baby soap.

Maternal phthalate levels late in pregnancy have emasculating effects on otherwise healthy newborn boys including irreversible reduction of genital growth and development, diminished levels of male hormones during adolescence, and impaired sexual function during adulthood, and all of these effects are more severe for boys, and men exposed to phthalates in the womb than those exposed during childhood or adulthood. (15)

There is evidence of reduced IQ among 7-year-old children whose mothers were exposed to phthalates during pregnancy, even when the levels were within safe limits. (16) Most scented baby care products, including baby wash, shampoo, lotion, diaper cream, and powder, raise the infant’s urinary level of phthalates. (17)

They are linked to hormone imbalance, reduced sperm counts, reproductive and genital malformation, breast cancer, liver cancer, diabetes, obesity, autism, ADHD, and neurological disorders. Phthalates are found in almost all body care products (around 75% that list “fragrance” as an ingredient), and many household cleaners, including some unscented and fragrance-free products.

2. Acetaldehyde

Acetaldehyde, a dangerous perfume, is used so frequently in the fragrance industry that perfumers describe its distinctive fragrance notes as “aldehydic” in their marketing copy. (18) Unfortunately, numerous agencies have listed it as carcinogenic, meaning there is compelling evidence that its use may cause cancer. (19) It is responsible for significant damage to the kidneys, lungs, nervous system, and reproductive system. (20)

3. Benzene

Benzene and its many relatives (annulene; benzol; benzole; benzolene; bicarburet of hydrogen) have long been known to cause leukemia and other cancers. (21) It is derived from toluene, another known carcinogen. It is a respiratory, developmental, reproductive, and environmental toxin, yet it is among the most common fragrance ingredients used.

4. Formaldehyde

Formaldehyde, a serious carcinogen, has long been recognized as a human carcinogen. This is the same toxic chemical used to preserve frogs in biology class and to keep cadavers from decaying for scientific experiments.

5. Synthetic Musk

Synthetic musk (tonalide; galaxolide; musk ketone; musk xylene) can cause cancer, is linked to an increased rate of breast cancer, and is a known endocrine disruptor. (22, 23) One form of synthetic musk is detected in the blood of at least 95% of women who seek specialized care for endocrine dysfunction. (24) Synthetic versions of musk accumulate in human tissues and are found in human breast milk, body fat, and umbilical cord blood.

6. Dichloromethane

Dichloromethane and (methylene chloride) are listed as potentially carcinogenic by the IARC and the NTP. It is also implicated in breast cancer, and it is one of only 11 ingredients considered so toxic that it is prohibited by the FDA. (25, 26) Almost unbelievably, it is still used in fragrance blends.

7. Styrene

Styrene ((ethenylbenzene; vinylbenzene; vinylbenzol; styrolene; styrol; styrole; styropol; styropor; styron; cinnamene; cinnamol; phenethylene; phenylethylene; phenylethene) is shown to cause lymphoma, leukemia, and other cancers. (27) It damages the central nervous system, red blood cells, and the liver. (28)

8. 1,4-Dioxane

1,4-Dioxane is a toxic bi-product and is usually present as a contaminant or byproduct of other components, so it is rarely listed on ingredient labels. However, it is highly toxic, is associated with birth defects, and is listed as a known or possible carcinogen by most authorities.

9. Myrcene

Myrcene (β-myrcene; beta-myrcene; 2-methyl-6-methylene-2,7-octadiene; 7-methyl-3-methylene-1,6-octadiene) is a fragrance ingredient that is still widely used in fragrance blends despite a conclusive 2-year study that demonstrates it causes liver and or kidney cancer in every class tested. (29) It was nominated for testing by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) because it is in high production, has a high level of human exposure, is chemically similar to another known carcinogen, and is used in food and drink as well as numerous body care products.

10. Ethanolamines

Ethanolamines (MEA; DEA; TEA; etc.) readily form nitrosamines when used in products with specific, common preservatives. Nitrosamines are listed by both the IARC and the NTP as potentially carcinogenic while the California EPA lists several ethanolamines as known carcinogens.

Special Price Just for Natural Living Family Readers! Discover our solution to artificial fragrances and breathing pure air in our home…With our Natural Living Family “group buy”, save up to $300 OFF when you buy TODAY. Check out Air Doctor Pro here.

Alternatives To Avoid Harmful Air Fresheners

By now, you may be concerned about ever again using anything that smells nice, and rightfully so. But are air fresheners bad for you if they don’t include these harmful chemicals? Good news! Here are some safe, effective alternatives to all the toxins and carcinogens in synthetic fragrances.

Synthetic chemical fragrances are frequently detected in products claiming to use only natural fragrances, so read labels carefully and do your homework. (32)

It’s so easy to get tricked by the pleasant scent we’ve been trained to look for in our laundry, cleaners, body care products, and other household items. But more often than not, these fragrances are harmful and aren’t what we need in our homes for us or our families.

God says in the Scriptures that He breathed into us the breath of life. The last thing we want is to be breathing death into our homes with dangerous chemicals and fragrances.

Living the abundant life can be as simple as making simple changes in your life’s routine. Start with a switch to God-given fragrances from natural sources.

An Interview with the “Air Doctor”

In this Web Class, I present Healthy Home Expert and product inventor, Peter Spiegel, who reveals the hidden dangers lurking within our indoor air and offers simple solutions for breathing clean, pure air in your home.

Special Price Just for Natural Living Family Readers! Discover our solution to artificial fragrances and breathing pure air in our home…With our Natural Living Family “group buy”, save big when you buy TODAY. Check out Air Doctor Pro here.

Importance of Clean Air

Without a doubt, pure air is the #1 determinant of health. Followed by water and then food. Just think about it. You can live for several days without water, a couple of weeks without food. But, without air, you’ll suffocate in just minutes.

Truth is, we consume a mass ton of air (infinitely more than the water that we drink and food that we eat), but a vast majority of people are more concerned about their diet, supplement & exercise regimens and neglect the air that they breathe… innocently allowing toxins into their body at an uncontrollable rate.

It wasn’t until we completely detoxed our house and cleaned up the air in our home that we finally knew what health really was.

  • Seasonal allergies disappeared.
  • Inflammation, aches, and pains vanished.
  • Brain fog cleared up.
  • Unexplained symptoms like itching, allergies to airborne particles, and Candida overgrowth resolved.
  • Literally, our health (and lives) transformed within weeks.

If it weren’t for Air Doctor, I don’t know what we would have done. We have two units in our home and our air quality improved instantly. In just a few hours, we couldn’t detect any mold or foul smell in the air and our health soon followed…… Because we fell in love with the product, we met with Air Doctor and discussed how we can give YOU (our Natural Living Family) a “group buy.”

Special Price Just for Natural Living Family Readers! Discover our solution to artificial fragrances and breathing pure air in our home…With our Natural Living Family “group buy”, save huge and start living healthier today. Check out Air Doctor Pro here.

Indoor air pollution is caused by a combination of particles like pollen, dust, pet dander, mold spores, and smoke combined with ozone, invisible gases, and volatile organic compounds which are emitted by building materials, furniture, carpeting, paint, cleaning, and personal care products.

This is a recipe for a health disaster – and we can personally testify to how polluted air almost devastated our health.

Polluted air has been linked to:

  • Birth defects & infertility
  • Autoimmunity
  • Cancer
  • Obesity
  • Allergies
  • Brain fog
  • Dementia & Alzheimer’s
  • And the list goes on and on

Take control of your air with Air Doctor.



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