The Perfect Combination: Top Carrier Oils and Essential Oils

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The Perfect Combination: Top Carrier Oils and Essential Oils

Not just for essential oil healing remedies and recipes, carrier oils are nutritive and have healing properties by themselves!

When reading about essential oils – whether you are brand new to essential oils or digging for new recipe blends – you’ll often see a carrier or base oil included in the discussion or mention of dilution. This report will help you sift through which ones to use and when.

The carrier oil is a fatty extract, usually cold pressed from its source. Individual allergies aside, carrier oils are not likely to cause sensitization and, therefore, make an excellent medium to disperse the more concentrated essential oil across your skin.

Carrier oils are nutritive and have healing properties of their own, so in your discovery of essential oils, don’t forget to take some time to learn about your options for carrier oils, as well.

When to Use Carrier Oils

Before you ask – yes, carrier oils are necessary! Once you get the hang of it, adding your essential oils to a carrier first is hardly any extra work, and in return, you are actually amplifying the efficacy of your healing application.

It might seem backward to say that diluting a substance makes it more effective, but in this case, it is true. Essential oil applications without carrier oils (called “neat” applications) put the oil directly onto your skin. A few things of note are happening here:

  1. The skin may be sensitized to the concentrated oil, harming the body by creating an allergic response.
  2. The essential oil may quickly evaporate off the surface of the skin, whereas the lipids in a carrier can help keep it on the skin longer. Remember, essential oils are “volatile organic compounds,” which means that they are emitted as gas when exposed to open air. This is why you may notice their aroma within seconds of opening the bottle. Carrier oils may decrease the absorption
  3. You can’t massage it in or disperse it across wider spaces.
  4. An ingested neat oil may cling to the mucous membranes and never make it to the intended site of application.
  5. Not to mention, ingesting neat oils can easily burn your mouth and irritate your esophagus!

Bottom line: using essential oils undiluted is largely a waste of time, and money and can place your body in harm’s way. While there are instances when neat is acceptable – gentle oils, or oils under the supervision of a trained aromatherapist – your best bet is to dilute essential oils into a carrier every time.

You can download our exclusive dilution chart reference guide, showing you how many drops of essential oils to use in your carrier oil here.

Without essential oils, you will also use carriers as the base of most DIY herbal preparations, from lotion bars to chapstick to salves. Start with the most accessible carrier oils, then work through others as you learn their benefits and ideal uses.

4 Categories of Carrier Oils to Know

Herbal supply stores, health food stores, and online supply shops will offer you dozens of carrier oils to choose from. Don’t get overwhelmed by your options! What is a carrier oil? Carrier oils are relatively simple to understand, and for most preparations, you can’t really go wrong.

We’ll walk through the more common carrier oils here, but if you run into one you aren’t sure about that isn’t covered, take the time to look it up and learn what it is and does. Self-education may not teach us everything, but it can take us a long way if we pursue it. For now, let’s look at this list of carrier oils and their benefits so you can choose your preferred bases when diluting essential oils.

1. Beginner Carrier Oils

The best place to start is at the beginning, and for DIY aromatic and herbal preparations, that’s right in your own kitchen. Really, if we take it back to Hippocrates encouraging us to find our medicine in our food, the kitchen has been the starting point for many generations!

Let’s spend some time on these two, as this is likely where you’ll start with carrier oils and diluted topical preparations before branching out to other carrier oils.

Olive Oil as a Carrier Oil

Almost undoubtedly in your kitchen, as it is probably the most commonly used culinary and carrier oil out there. Because it is used so much, however, it may be adulterated with similarly-colored sunflower and corn oils. (1) Once again, we are reminded to check our product sources carefully!

Extra virgin olive oil, which is cold-pressed and minimally processed – is ideal, and it will be a light green color with a thick scent. Sometimes, the scent can be off-putting, so you’ll want to choose olive oil when making a highly aromatic blend or preparation. In 2015, a double-blind, randomized study took place in which olive oil was used on diabetic patients with ulcers on their feet. After four weeks of treatment, the patients who’d received olive oil topical treatments had smaller, less pronounced ulcers than those who received placebo or nothing. (2) The use of olive oil as a carrier can add to the soothing, healing effects of your dilutions and preparations.

Note on sourcing – Most olive oil on the shelves is highly adulterated. The Fresh-Pressed Olive Oil Club is what we use to get pure, flavorful olive oil.

Choose olive oil as your carrier oil when: Making homemade salves, creams, and oil pulling. It’s a good oil for moisturizing dry skin.

Coconut Oil

A saturated fat that is taken from coconuts, which are actually giant seeds. The oil spreads over the skin easily with very little greasy residue, taking the essential oils you’ve blended in with it. Even without anything blended into it, coconut oil has been shown to enhance the wound healing process. (3) You probably already use coconut oil regularly; its popularity has recently sparked internet jokes about how much you can do with coconut oil: fix your hair, fix your budget, fix your significant other…The jokes, of course, are rooted in reality, poking good-natured fun at the almost comical range of things you can do with coconut oil.

The way coconut oil is processed will affect its uses. Cold-pressed coconut oil (virgin, extra virgin) will retain the coconut scent and will become solid at room temperature or cooler. Heat-processed coconut oil will not have the taste and smell of coconut, and fractionated coconut oil (the most processed of the options) will not become solid. The tendency to solidify can be good or bad for your preparations – for quick dilutions, it is sometimes nice to mix up the essential oil into a semi-solid coconut oil and then be able to rub on a quick-melting preparation as it warms to your skin.

Choose coconut oil when: Making most of your DIY projects and is a nice massage oil carrier. It’s also a tasty addition to your oil-pulling ritual. And it is best for oily skin as it leaves little oily residue.

Fractionated Coconut Oil

Literally a fraction of the coconut oil – being that all of the long-chain triglycerides have been removed – fractionated coconut oil is a lightweight emollient that is a must-have for dry or sensitive skin. Also referred to as FCO, It provides an effective barrier without clogging pores and leaves your skin feeling smooth and never greasy. It is considered to be the most cost-effective oil because it will not go rancid. In fact, some suppliers claim that it can be mixed with other (more expensive) carrier oils to extend their shelf life. However, once you add essential oils that begin the oxidation process, the carrier oils will begin to lose their shelf life stability. It is colorless and odorless, and it incorporates perfectly with other oils without altering their scent, appearance, or effectiveness.

Choose fractionated coconut oil as your carrier choice when: Quick dilutions with what you have on hand; enhancing skin healing; perfect for treating health conditions like infections, open wounds, and chronic disease.

2. Nut & Seed Carrier Oils

These oils are probably not in your kitchen for cooking, but they are still very commonly purchased, easy to work with, and rich sources of skin-health nutrients. If you are ready to take a step beyond your pantry, these make a good place to start.

Almond Oil

Very mild in scent and flavor, almond oil is nutrient-dense and versatile. Sweet almond oil carrier oil is a good topical source of vitamins A & E, adding to the many nutritional benefits that almonds have simply as a food. Traditional uses indicate almond oil for dry skin conditions, like psoriasis and eczema. As an emollient, almond oil can be soothing for sore skin. (4) It’s fabulously nutritious and is a favorite for skin.

Jojoba Oil

If you’ve not yet heard of jojoba carrier oil (or heard it pronounced), it’s ho-HO-ba that you are looking for. Derived from the seeds, jojoba is actually classified as a liquid wax, which adds another option to your carrier oil choices. It doesn’t solidify as quickly as coconut oil does, but the consistency is well suited to deep penetration and moisturizing. Jojoba has an excellent shelf life, which is perfect for storing until you need it for small dilution preparations. It has been studied for anti-inflammatory properties, wound healing ability, and efficacy in face-mask treatments for acne. (5, 6, 7) It’s one of Sabrina’s favorites, and she uses it as a base for her carrier oil blend.

Choose sweet almond oil or jojoba carrier oils when: Skin is dry or inflamed; nutrients are lacking; versatility and ease of use are desired. These are excellent for most DIY projects, but especially body care recipes. 

Rosehip Seed Oil

This is one of Sabrina’s favorite carrier oils for skin conditions. You don’t have to use it solo, but it can be a great oil to add to any blend you’re using to boost the nourishing richness. It’s high in Vitamin C and is a soothing emollient for a variety of skin conditions. It can even be part of a skin-conditioning lotion bar!

Choose rosehip carrier oil when: Whenever you need additional support for your skin, make this part of your base oil blend. This is also the perfect addition to the healing skin serum

3. Fruit Carrier Oils

Easy to remember, thanks to kitchen staples, these oils typically come from the seeds of their respective fruits, as is the case with the other carrier oils. The carrier oils in this list include accessible choices that are as affordable as they are versatile.

Apricot Oil

Apricot kernel carrier oil is available in a variety of types – as expeller pressed, refined, or cold pressed, which makes a difference in texture and you may have a specific preference. Apricot oil’s nutrient profile includes vitamin E and vitamin A as well, or at least the carotenoid precursor to vitamin A. It is edible and beneficial topically, so you may find it on your grocery store shelves. (8) Because it is so incredibly gentle and nourishing, apricot oil is a good choice for applications that will cover a good deal of skin or that will be applied heavily on children.

Avocado Oil

Avocado, as a fruit, is one of the best sources of fat and nutrients (and dip!) you can find. Avocado oil itself, as you might imagine, is an emollient taken from the smooth flesh around the pit. An exception to the typical seed-derived oil, avocado oil is rich in nutrients and excellent at penetrating the skin. In another animal trial, this one occurring in 2008, avocado oil was also found to have good wound healing ability. Before elaborating on the study, the researchers noted that the oil is “rich in nutrient waxes, proteins, and minerals, as well as vitamins A, D and E…an excellent source of enrichment for dry, damaged or chapped skin.” (9)

Grape Seed Oil

Also, a culinary oil, grape seed oil, can be used as a carrier oil for topical applications because of its light texture and lack of residue. Once on and in the skin, grape seed is another oil verified for its contributions to wound care and healing. (10) The high levels of fatty acid content and antioxidants in grape seed oil contribute to much of its beneficial composition. (11) Without the heaviness of more saturated oils, grape seed makes a cleaner topical application with less of a greasy film.

Choose apricot or grape seed oil when: Creating a massage oil; looking for deep hydration; creating chapsticks and balms. Grape seed oil is a particularly lovely choice for roller bottle blends. 

4. Essential Fatty Acid Carrier Oils

While most of the carrier oils we’ve talked about and what is on the market are decent sources of essential fatty acids, some oils are considered above-average sources of these vital nutrients.

Borage Oil

Taken from the seeds of a flowering perennial herb, borage oil is a potent source of omega-6 essential fatty acids. While we usually take omega-3 to counter the unhealthy balance of essential fatty acids that our diet affords, borage oil as a natural source is a different story.Omega-6, at its root, is actually as anti-inflammatory as omega-3, which likely aids in the topical benefits of borage oil. It’s in the overconsumption of junk food sources and lack of balance in the omegas that we begin to see trouble. Borage oil is a preferred carrier oil for dermatitis and other anti-inflammatory preparations. (12)

Evening Primrose Oil

Named for the flowers that open only in the evenings, evening primrose oil is a more delicate oil that must be cold pressed and refrigerated and should not be added to any heat preparations. Typically, evening primrose is consumed in supplement or culinary form, and of those uses, it is highly researched and evaluated for its benefits as a source of essential fatty acids. For topical use, results seem to be similar to that of borage: anti-inflammatory effects that relieve flare-ups such as dermatitis. (13)

Although these are culinary oils, we already get large amounts of omega-6 in the diet. Be cautious with long-term culinary ingestion without professional guidance.

Choose these when: Resolving topical inflammation; essential fatty acid deficiency/imbalance is a problem. Creating hormone-balancing serums and women’s health blends.

Can’t decide which carrier oils from this list you should start with? We completely understand. That’s why Mama Z makes an exclusive carrier oil base blend, a healthy mixture of several carrier oils. This pre-mixed blend is what we use for a lot of our roller bottles, DIYs, and other carrier oil needs.

How to Use a Carrier Oil

For simple dilution purposes, start with small amounts of your carrier oil and work up as you become comfortable and have sanitary ways of storing your blend. Always place blends into heat-sanitized containers, particularly if they will stay there for any amount of time.

Start with 1 tsp of carrier oil or 5ml of oil. It will vary from 60-150 drops depending on the specific oil. Since it’s oil we are dealing with, the assumption is that it will be closer to 60 than 100. You can assume 100 for extra safety and simple dilutions (1% = 1 drop), or you can calculate based on the more generous 60 drops.

Here’s a simple dilution guide (Note some oils need a different dilution amount, but this is a good starting place.):

  • 1% dilution = 6 drops of essential oils per 1 ounce of carrier oil = good for sensitive skin on the face, genitals, underarms, babies to toddlers
  • 2-3% dilution = 12 – 18 drops of essential oil per 1 ounce of carrier oil = standard adult concentration for massage oils, creams, and DIY recipes
  • 5% – 10% dilution = 30 – 60 drops of essential oil per 1 ounce of carrier oil = more for acute conditions like infections. Don’t use it for more than a week at a time.
  • 25% dilution = 150 drops of essential oils per 1 ounce of carrier = for one-time application like wart removal, skin tags, or areas with localized pain.
  • 50% dilution = 1:1 ratio of carrier to essential oils = not recommended unless under the supervision of a trained professional.

Stir the essential oil into the carrier, then apply as indicated. And that’s that! You’ve successfully diluted your essential oil and enjoyed the added benefit of nourishing carrier oil. Download our handy printable dilution guide for easy reference as needed!



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