Lifeboost Coffee Review: Top 10 Benefits and Tips

Reading Time: 15 minutes
Lifeboost Coffee Review: Top 10 Benefits and Tips

The most polluted drink in the world, the term “healthiest coffee” may sound like an oxymoron to our natural living readers, which is why I put together this Lifeboost Coffee review. Let’s start with the facts: chances are you’re reading this because you are already a coffee drinker and you’re interested in how your habit (“daily indulgence”) life choice that you can’t and won’t live without, can actually benefit your health.

GOOD NEWS: If this describes you, coffee indeed boasts some incredible benefits! But unfortunately, there can be a bleak side to the coffee coin as well.

In this Lifeboost coffee review, we’ll look at the pitfalls and the positives of this beloved bean, then we’ll let you know how to avoid the dark side of coffee so you can enjoy the healthy rewards and delicious flavors you want and need in your mug and beloved lattes!

Coffee Health Risks

True, we are tea drinkers to the very core of our being, yet sometimes we like to snuggle up with a nice Cuppa Joe. And, when we do, we drink Lifeboost Coffee, and we love making naturally-sweetened, dairy-free coffee lattes!

Coffee has a pro list like no other, and we’ll get to that in a moment, but because I want to leave you on a good note, I’ll give you the bad news first with the coffee con list.

But, before you dive into the cons of coffee itself, it’s hard to deny that many of us like to add things to coffee. From cream to sugar, syrups, and sauces, from dairy to drastically altered versions of coffee that are primarily glorified milkshakes…many don’t drink their coffee black.

And, if you’re in this group, just know that these common additions can add more than calories and fat to your jolt of java.

Sugars and some dairy can cause an increase in the bad bacteria in both your oral and gut microbiome leading to gum disease and tooth decay in your mouth and a wide range of disease and ailments when it comes to your gut (gastrointestinal diseases, inflammation, and a compromised immune system).

But, coffee itself has the potential to be harmful as well:

  • Drinking large amounts of coffee can cause headaches.
  • Many coffees are known to cause negative effects to the gastrointestinal tract leading to an upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, acid reflux, and GERD. This is commonly attributed to the quality and acid level of coffee.
  • Unfiltered coffee has been associated with increases in triglycerides, total cholesterol, and LDL.
  • Coffee has been known to cause insomnia, nervousness, anxiety, and restlessness.
  • The caffeine content of coffee can cause increased heart rate and breathing rate in some individuals.
  • Coffee can temporarily raise blood pressure in some individuals.
  • Most conventional coffee contains mycotoxins (a type of mold) that can lead to varying kinds of cancer, heart problems, inflammation, and other diseases.

That is definitely a lot of gloom and doom when it comes to something as beloved as coffee.

So then, let’s continue this Lifeboost Coffee review looking at the positives of coffee… (I’ll explain these in a bit more depth and then let you know how you can avoid the cons and receive the benefits of drinking the healthiest coffee instead.)


Our Natural Living Family “Group Buy” will save you 50% off of the healthiest, lowest acid USDA-certified organic coffee on the planet. Check out Lifeboost Coffee HERE!

Lifeboost Coffee Review: Why We Think It's the Healthiest Coffee

10 Health Benefits Of Drinking Coffee

Every morning over 100 million Americans wake up and indulge in their favorite drink: coffee. And, according to a six-country survey… most people would rather give up SEX than give up their daily coffee fix. We know. Nuts eh?  #SMH

The good news is that coffee is actually very healthy when you get it from a reliable source. The scientific peer reviewed studies cannot be denied. Coffee can improve your energy levels, make you smarter, help you burn more fat, improve exercise performance, and lower your risk of type II diabetes.

Now for the BAD NEWS: there is a DARK side to coffee (sorry, couldn’t help the pun): coffee is actually the most heavily chemically-sprayed crop on the planet. Even if you’re buying organic or high end Kona Beans there is a sinister kind of poison lurking inside your coffee.

Thankfully, we have found an amazing coffee that’s grown, washed, dried, and roasted in a very specific way to achieve all the health benefits listed above.

1. Antioxidant Powerhouse

Possibly one of the most notable health benefits of coffee centers around the fact that it is loaded with antioxidants.

The healthiest coffee brands contain more than 1,000 antioxidants in its original state, but it gains even more, possibly hundreds more, during the roasting process.

In fact, it has been said, due to its antioxidant content, coffee may indeed be one of the most healthy components of a standard Western diet.

Studies show that the average person gets more antioxidants from their daily cup of joe than from fruits and vegetables combined. Maybe this is due to the average person’s lack of fruit and vegetable consumption? Or, perhaps it’s due to the fact that a cup of coffee contains more antioxidants than a cup of grape juice, blueberries, raspberries, and oranges?

Either way, those antioxidants overflowing from your cup of coffee work wonders within your body.

Normal, needed processes that occur in your body can produce free radicals – unstable atoms that can cause disease, cell-damage, other illnesses, and aging.

  • Antioxidants neutralize free radicals and thus work to fight against all of their negative effects (like disease, cell-damage, aging, etc).
  • Antioxidants also combat inflammation, namely chronic inflammation, which is thought to be at the root of most common illnesses.

2. Can Enhance Physical Performance

It’s no secret that coffee contains caffeine. I mean, apart from the enticing aroma and delicious flavor, coffee’s caffeine content is the primary reason for being the morning (wake up) and afternoon (pick me up) drink of choice for millions.

But, that caffeine can do more than lift your eyelids! Having a cup of joe prior to your workout has been proven to boost your gym efforts by an average of 11-12%.

The caffeine in your coffee:

  • boosts adrenaline (prepping your body for physical activity)
  • stimulates your central nervous system (helping your body break down fat)
  • makes fatty acids ready to be used as fuel (from the body fat breakdown)

3. Boosts Cognitive Function

The caffeine content in coffee doesn’t just enhance physical performance but can stimulate cognitive performance as well.

Studies have shown that when you drink coffee, the caffeine works to block inhibitory neurotransmitters in your brain. This causes an increase in other neurotransmitters making neurons fire more rapidly.

In other words…that cup of coffee sparks activity in your brain that can lead to:

  • Improved memory
  • Improved overall mental function
  • Better reaction times
  • Increased alertness and attentiveness

4. May Prevent Cognitive Decline

Building on those brain-boosting bonuses mentioned earlier, coffee may even be able to aid in the prevention of diseases such as Alzheimer’s, dementia, and Parkinson’s.

Research has shown that drinking coffee regularly lowers your risk of Parkinson’s disease by up to 60%.

And, one study found that those participants who drank 3-5 cups of coffee daily received the benefit of a 65% decreased risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

It is thought that the caffeine content of coffee works to block the build-up of a certain type of plaque that contributes to the cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, but that same study found that participants drinking equal amounts of tea each day did not receive the same benefits.


Our Natural Living Family “Group Buy” will save you 50% off of the healthiest, lowest acid USDA-certified organic coffee on the planet. Check out Lifeboost Coffee HERE!

5. Fights Against Depression

Those same effects on neurotransmitters in your brain that was mentioned earlier come into play again here as coffee has been known to help fight against depression.

As the caffeine in your coffee stimulates neurotransmitters in your brain, your mood can be improved.

In researching this Lifeboost coffee review I found some interesting studies on the topic. One Harvard study found that women drinking more than 4 cups of coffee daily lowered their risk of depression by 20% and those same individuals were 53% less likely to commit suicide.

Even one cup of coffee per day has been linked with a 15% decreased risk of depression.

6. Possible Lowered Risk Of Heart Disease

Drinking coffee has been associated with a boost in heart cell activity. And, I’m not talking just a cup or two either! The benefits of coffee to your heart seem to be compounded with additional cups.

One Korean study found that drinking 3-5 cups of coffee per day led to a decreased amount of coronary artery calcium build up. These same participants in the study decreased their likelihood of early signs of heart disease.

A Dutch study observed 37,000 coffee drinkers over the course of 13 years and discovered that those persons drinking 2-4 cups of coffee per day lowered their risk of heart disease by 20%.

7. Boosts Liver Health

Coffee boasts great support for your liver health. This is thought to be largely due to the fact that coffee has been known to lower enzyme levels in the liver.

When liver enzymes are elevated, this generally shows that there is inflammation or damage in your liver. Coffee seems to reverse these effects by lowering liver enzymes.

In fact, increases in coffee consumption show greater and greater benefits to the liver. Studies show that liver cirrhosis is decreased by 20%, and that percentage increases (by 20%), with each additional cup of coffee, consumed up to 4 cups.

Yes, you read that correctly, that means those persons drinking 4 cups daily may decrease their risk of liver cirrhosis by 80%!

8. Cancer Risk Is Lowered?

Cancer is now considered to be one of the leading causes of death worldwide. But, studies are showing that coffee can reduce your risk of many types of cancer!

As cancer is distinguished by uncontrolled cell growth in the body, it is thought that the antioxidant properties of coffee may contribute to its ability to lower cancer risks.

  • Studies show that even a single cup of coffee daily can reduce your risk of cancer by 15%, with 2-3 cups per day lowering your risk for all cancer types by 18%.
  • A single cup each day for females is thought to specifically reduce the risk of endometrial cancer by 8%, with 4-6 cups per day reducing the same risk by 25%.
  • Drinking 2-3 cups of coffee daily lowers the risk of colorectal by 50%!
  • Studies show that regular coffee drinkers lower their risk of liver cancer by 40%.

There have also been links found between coffee consumption and lowered risks for colon, oral, pharyngeal, and breast cancers.

Lifeboost Coffee Review: Why We Think It's the Healthiest Coffee

9. Can Lower Risk Of Diabetes

With diabetes becoming an increasingly great problem, especially in the United States, coffee may provide an answer to the prevention of this disease. Scientists believe that coffee:

  • aids in the body’s use of insulin
  • protects insulin-producing cells
  • helps the body regulate blood sugar
  • prevents tissue damage
  • fights inflammation (which is a common factor in diabetes)

Studies show that those who drink even one cup of coffee daily reduce their risk of diabetes by 11%. The threat of diabetes seems to lower by 7% with each additional cup of coffee, with those drinking 4-6 cups a day seeing a reduction rate of nearly 50%!

10. May Increase Lifespan

Coffee certainly boasts benefits that lower the risk of many diseases and ailments, and this alone might be why it is known to help you live longer.

But, studies show that those who drink coffee daily do indeed have an overall lower risk of death. In men, regular coffee drinking was associated with a 20% reduced risk of death. And, in women, daily coffee consumption was linked to a 26% decreased risk of death.

While outside factors do play a role in lifespan, research suggests that coffee drinkers (when compared to non-coffee drinkers) do live longer.

Not All Coffee is Created Equal

Wait a minute…why the contrast? Coffee is bad for you. Coffee is good for you.

With all of those benefits to be reaped from drinking coffee, with some of those benefits even increasing with each cup you drink, why then are there also concerns surrounding your precious cup of joe?

The short answer: like most things in life, quality is key… Not all coffee is created equal!

It is absolutely true that there are many benefits to be received with each cup of coffee that you drink, that is if you are drinking quality, clean coffee.

This is primarily due to the fact that low-quality coffees very commonly contain mycotoxins, a metabolite produced by molds that are known to cause heart problems, high blood pressure, cancer, kidney disease, and other health concerns.

One study found that 91.7% of coffee beans were contaminated with mold before they were processed! To make matters worse, the processing techniques that companies often use to add flavor to coffee can increase those amounts of mold.

Another problem? Blends. When you see “blend” listed in a coffee name or title, this means that the company uses or combines beans from different areas. The problem is that oftentimes high-quality beans are blended with low-quality beans to make that particular bag of coffee more profitable.

To make matters worse, some name brands even spray a chemically produced coffee aroma on these blends to mask the unpleasant aroma from the lower quality beans.

But, mold content and low-quality bean blends aren’t the only concerns when it comes to coffee. Mass producers of coffee often incorporate other practices that equate to health problems for you, the consumer.

With coffee being such a high demand commodity, some producers trade quality for quantity. One way this is done is by growing coffee in direct sunlight to speed up production time.

When coffee is grown in direct sunlight, exposure to heavy rains can lead to soil erosion and depletion (leading to a less-nutrient rich coffee).

Growing coffee in these conditions also increases the risk of pests and plant diseases, which necessitates the use of pesticides, fertilizers, and other harmful chemicals. In fact, commercially grown coffee is one of the most heavily treated products consumed by mankind.

And, if you are consuming chemically treated, mycotoxin filled, low-quality coffee, then you are most certainly not drinking the healthiest coffee possible. In fact, you will instead find yourself more acquainted with coffee’s list of woes and common concerns.

So, where can you find a quality, clean coffee? That’s what this Lifeboost coffee review will break down for you.


Our Natural Living Family “Group Buy” will save you 50% off of the healthiest, lowest acid USDA-certified organic coffee on the planet. Check out Lifeboost Coffee HERE!

Lifeboost Coffee Review: Why We Think It's the Healthiest Coffee

Our Lifeboost Coffee Review – Top Features

At Lifeboost they strive to bring you the healthiest coffee on the planet. This doesn’t happen easily, it means that a company has to intentionally choose to produce the best coffee with the most health benefits for consumers.

When I was preparing the Lifeboost coffee review I was so impressed. What I discovered is that Lifeboost is:

1. Certified Organic

Lifeboost’s signature light, medium, dark, espresso, and decaf roasts are all USDA certified organic, so you know you’re getting the cleanest beans possible.

2. Low Acid

As you age, you may find it more difficult to drink coffee due to its acid content. Generally, coffee has a pH level of 4.85 or even lower which can cause stomach issues for consumers. Not so with Lifeboost.

Their coffee is stomach and teeth-friendly. Each batch of coffee is pH tested (must be 5.5 or above) for low acid. Slow roasting specialty Arabica coffee results in lower acid content than most coffees.

3. Shade Grown

Lifeboost’s coffee is grown under a canopy of shade in the Nicaraguan rainforest. This provides a natural shelter from the sun. Native animals that live in the tree canopy are natural pest deterrents which helps ensure no need for chemical pesticides.

The soil is boosted with nutrients from surrounding plants resulting in coffee both dense in nutrition and allow the coffee to grow without the use of chemical fertilizers.

4. Mountain Grown

Lifeboost coffee is grown at altitudes at least 5700 ft above sea level. This allows the beans to mature more slowly which results in a more dense, nutrient-rich, and flavorful bean, full of the powerful, disease-fighting antioxidants mentioned earlier.

5. Single Origin

All Lifeboost coffee comes from the same place so that means NO blends. All of the coffee comes from the same area on the same small farm in Nicaragua.

Additionally, all of the coffee beans are also processed and roasted in the exact same way, giving you the highest quality coffee in each selection offered.

6. 3rd Party Tested For Mycotoxins, Pesticides, Heavy Metals + 400 Other Toxins

One of the unexpected things I uncovered in the Lifeboost Coffee review process is the importance of testing for mycotoxins. Lifeboost is 3rd party tested for mycotoxins which they work hard to prevent.

  • Their coffee plants are grown in a shaded mountain canopy, the first step that ensures minimal mycotoxin presence in the coffee from the very start.
  • Then, the coffee is prepared using a wet and dry process (with variations) to avoid mycotoxins during processing. The coffee is washed in pure, mountain spring water, but they don’t allow the beans to ferment, as is usually done during the wet process.
  • After the coffee has been washed, the beans are pulped (their outer covering is removed) where they then dry in the sun for a few days as an extra measure to ensure any molds or mycotoxins are eliminated.

Lifeboost’s rigorous health and quality standards also demand the coffee to be lab-tested prior to roasting. These tests look for quality, molds, moisture content, consistency, etc. Then, when Lifeboost coffee is roasted, any mycotoxins (and the bacteria, molds, and fungi that may have generated) are effectively eliminated.

And, if that wasn’t enough, each shipment of Lifeboost coffee is again tested by the Agricultural Department before it is ever allowed to leave the country. If any mycotoxin presence is detected, the coffee is not shipped.

Lifeboost takes healthy, high-quality coffee seriously. When drinking Lifeboost coffee you can know that you are drinking to your health!

Because you are a Natural Living Family reader, we’ve been able to collaborate with Lifeboost to secure a special discount on your very first order…


Our Natural Living Family “Group Buy” will save you 50% off of the healthiest, lowest acid USDA-certified organic coffee on the planet. Check out Lifeboost Coffee HERE!


Q. Should coffee have a vacuum seal?

A. You’ll notice that Lifeboost Coffee isn’t vacuum sealed. And the reason why is because you don’t need it because they roast your coffee on order. A vacuum seal is only needed when buying coffee off the grocery store shelf where the coffee has been sitting for weeks if not months! Their bags that contain a one-way valve allowing the coffee to de-gas while minimizing oxidative degradation!

As the coffee you order from us is roasted to order, you’re getting the freshest coffee possible! And not coffee that has been roasted 30+ days ago!

Q. What elevation is Lifeboost Coffee grown at?

A. When coffee is grown at higher altitudes (at least 5,700ft above sea level), it has a number of beneficial effects on the beans. When you grow coffee at a higher altitude it slows the development and ripening of the beans. This is because the temperature of the environment is cooler which causes the beans to develop more slowly. The slow growth of the beans allows them to absorb more nutrients and become much more dense and harder than coffee grow at lower elevations. This means that there are more antioxidants in the beans, which means you will get more out of the coffee you are drinking. Not only is the coffee much more nutrient dense, it is also superior in taste. Most expensive high quality coffees are grown at higher elevations to maximize their flavor.

Q. What does Shade Grown mean?

A. By growing coffee plants under a sun filtering canopy improves the quality of the coffee bean for a number of reasons. The trees provide shelter for the coffee plants from the sun. This allows the beans to mature at a slower. This allows them to become more nutrient rich, denser, and harder than coffee beans that are not shade grown. This means that the final coffee product will be much more nutrient rich and have a much better flavor.

The trees that shade the coffee offer other benefits than just protection from the sun. The leaves that fall from the branches of the trees provide a naturally occurring source of nutrients for the coffee plants. When the leaves decompose they become part of the soil which the coffee plants use to grow. This helps to improve the nutrient density of the coffee plants. The fallen leaves also provide protection for the coffee plants from weed growth. The fallen leaves act as a “mulch” making it hard for new seeds from other plants to grow. This means that there is more nutrients in the soil that are readily available for the coffee plants to use which will improve the nutrient richness of the coffee beans when they are fully developed.

Q. Is Lifeboost Coffee tested for mycotoxins?

A. Yes, they send our beans off for 3rd party testing to ensure our coffee is Mycotoxin free!

Q. Is it gluten free?

A. Yes, Lifeboost Coffee is gluten free including their flavored coffee!

Q. Where is the coffee produced?

A. It is grown in Nicaragua.

Q. Is the coffee single origin?

A. Yes, Lifeboost Coffee always comes from the same farm. Coffee being from a “single origin” means that all of the beans come from one area of one farm. This helps to ensure you that every bean that goes into your coffee is of the same high quality as all of the others. This also means that all of the beans are processed in the exact same way and roasted the same way. This keeps the other beans from mixing with others, which can affect the flavor of your coffee and introduce foreign things like mycotoxins that may be present in other coffee beans that could be blended in.

Q. How is their decaf processed?

A. They use the Swiss water method The Swiss Water Process (SWP) is a non-solvent method for decaffeinating unroasted coffee beans.

Coffee Care Tips…

Q. The best way to store your coffee is…?

A. An airtight container that is NOT clear. Place it in a cool, dry place like your pantry. You want your coffee beans or grounds to be away from light, heat, and moisture. Ground coffee and beans can last 6 months in the pantry.

Q. Can you refrigerate your coffee beans or grounds?

A. No. Coffee grounds will act like baking soda and absorb odors from your fridge which will change the taste profile.

Q. Can you freeze your coffee beans and grounds to make them last longer?

A. Yes, but  make sure that they are in a vacuum sealed bag. This can make the coffee last indefinitely if it’s truly in an air tight container.  If you are only storing for a short amount of time, there is no need to freeze the coffee. Let coffee thaw for an hour after you pull it out of the freezer.

NLF “Group Buy” (Get 50% off TODAY)!


Our Natural Living Family “Group Buy” will save you 50% off of the healthiest, lowest acid USDA-certified organic coffee on the planet. You never want to have an unhealthy cup of coffee again.

–>Check out Lifeboost Coffee for Healthy Coffee!




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