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When we talk about peppermint essential oil benefits, we aren’t talking about mints, gum, or candy canes. Really, it’s quite fascinating – in a somewhat sad way – that peppermint is so commonly associated with sweet treats rather than profound medicinal benefits. Aside from lavender, peppermint may be the most varied of all our essential oils.

And yet we’ve limited it to Santa Claus and toothpaste! Is there any reason that we wouldn’t stock our cabinets with peppermint essential oil? Our culture is seriously missing out. Learn how the vital essence of the peppermint plant can transform our health and wellness.

History & Composition of Peppermint

Peppermint plant (Mentha x peperita) is a sweet-smelling herb that is a hybrid of water mint and spearmint. It grows prolifically – in fact, it can take over like a weed. The aerial parts – flowers and leaves – are harvested for essential oil production, which is conducted via steam distillation. At this point, active ingredients typically include menthone at around 20% of the composition and menthol at roughly 40%, though these amounts may naturally vary. (1) To get the most out of your preferred peppermint essential oil uses, choose a quality brand.

Typically, peppermint essential oil is used as an antiemetic (helps to prevent nausea) and antispasmodic (helps to prevent vomiting and abdominal pain from harsh gastrointestinal contractions). It’s a soothing digestive aid and beneficial during times of illness.

Historically, peppermint dates back as one of the oldest medicinal herbs used in Europe, an ancient remedy for both Chinese and Japanese cultures, and an Egyptian medicine in at least 1,000 B.C. When, in Greek mythology, Pluto pursued the nymph Mentha, he transformed her into an herb (guess which?) so that the generations to come would enjoy her just as well as he. Such a colorful legacy is contained well in this cool, accessible, and effective substance. To this day, peppermint leaves are harvested for a delicious, homemade tea.

Top 3 Peppermint Oil Benefits

Stepping away from Greek literature and into the scientific realm, the benefits of peppermint oil are found throughout databases of studies and reviews – even more so when we look at its specific component menthol. With hundreds and literally thousands of mentions, scientists are all over this remarkable herb. I don’t make promises and guarantees often, but peppermint is almost a sure thing: add its potential health benefits to your daily regimen and your life will never be the same.

1. Nausea Relief

For example, while we all hope to avoid surgery, sometimes it is a necessary part of life – and a common part of surgery is unpleasant post-operative nausea, to the tune of 1/3rd of surgical patients. In 2012, Clayton State University facilitated tests on peppermint essential oil’s effects on this nasty phenomenon. Moms who are in recovery from a Caesarean especially do not want to deal with vomiting and nausea on top of the mixed emotions of the joy of birth and pain of surgery, not to mention the time that could be spent bonding with their babies. So, moms were chosen for this study, with 35 respondents discovering “significantly lower” nausea levels when they inhaled its minty scent compared with standard treatments.(2)

2. Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The use of essential oils is sometimes underestimated when limited to the connotations of “aromatherapy.” Topical and occasionally internal applications are relevant, as well. One drop mixed with one teaspoon of coconut oil, rubbed on the stomach, or ingested in a spoon of honey, can calm an upset stomach or indigestion in a snap. This remarkable ability is being broached by researchers, marked by a systematic review of the literature that covers irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and peppermint, though this treatment typically requires the use of peppermint encapsulated in enteric-coated capsules.

Nine studies were reviewed, spanning more than seven hundred patients, and the conclusion was clear – taking enteric-coated peppermint oil capsules performs much better than a placebo for stomach pain and symptom management. In their conclusion, University of Western Ontario researchers stated that, (3)

Peppermint essential oil is a safe and effective short-term treatment for IBS. Future studies should assess the long-term efficacy and safety of peppermint essential oil and its efficacy relative to other IBS treatments including antidepressants and antispasmodic drugs.

3. Bug Repellent

One of my personal favorite benefits of peppermint essential oil is bug repellant – especially since I live in mosquito country!

In a comparison of seven commercial bug repellants, Terminix® ALLCLEAR® Sidekick Mosquito Repeller nearly topped the charts. If you aren’t aware, this is an “all-natural” blend that lists cinnamon, eugenol, geranium, peppermint, and lemongrass essential oils. It was very close to a tie with OFF!®, the chemical-laden, DEET-filled commercial brand. (4)

Although I don’t recommend Terminix® ALLCLEAR® because I have little faith in a big-name company to use true, pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils, the lesson is the same. It underscores the efficiency of essential oils, no matter their quality. And an effective essential oil blend most definitely is preferred to harmful, toxic chemicals or nasty ‘skeeter bites!

10 More Uses

  1. Ease Pain Naturally – For a natural muscle pain reliever, peppermint essential oil is one of the best. Try using it on an aching back or sore muscles to tap into its anti-inflammatory properties. It can also ease other pains as well, such as a toothache or tension headache.
  2. Clear Sinuses – Diffused or inhaled peppermint essential oil usually clears stubbornly congested nasal passages or sinuses. As an antitussive, the results may be long-lasting and beneficial when you’re down with respiratory issues such as a cold, cough, or struggling with bronchitis, asthma, or sinusitis.
  3. Relieve Joint Pain– Peppermint essential oil and lavender essential oil work well together with cooling, soothing anti-inflammatory properties for painful joints.
  4. Cut Cravings – Slow an out-of-control appetite by diffusing peppermint before meal times, helping you feel full faster. Alternatively, apply a drop or two on your sinuses or chest to keep the benefits to yourself.
  5. Energize Naturally – Road trips, long nights studying, or any time you feel that low energy slump, peppermint essential oil is a refreshing, non-toxic pick-me-up to help you wake up and keep going without the toxins loaded into energy drinks. The invigorating aroma gives you the wake-up call you need, which is why it’s part of our Lemon-Mint Energy Boost Roll-On recipe.
  6. Scalp and Hair Health – A couple of drops of peppermint oil included in your shampoo and conditioner bottles will tingle your scalp and wake your senses. As a bonus, peppermint’s antimicrobial activities can also help prevent or remove both lice and dandruff. It’s also one of the ingredients in our favorite natural hair loss treat, TruVarin.
  7. Ease Cough – The antitussive effect of peppermint can help ease a persistent cough. Try using it in a diffuser or as part of this homemade cough drop recipe. The soothing properties will really shine when you’re feeling under the weather.
  8. Relieve ADHD – A spritz of peppermint on clothing or a touch on the back of your neck can help to improve concentration and alertness when focus is needed. See how to properly dilute (helps avoid skin irritation) in our room spray DIY and you can just substitute the essential oils to replace one with peppermint.
  9. Soothe an Itch – Cooling peppermint and soothing lavender combine again to soothe itchy skin from bug bites or healing sunburns. You can mix 3 drops of peppermint and 4 drops of lavender essential oils into a 10-15 ml roller bottle, dilute it with your favorite carrier oil, and viola! Ready to go. This is one of our favorite essential oil remedies for kids.
  10. Block Ticks– Stop ticks from burrowing with a touch of peppermint essential oil. Make sure you remove them by their head to lessen your chances of contracting Lyme disease!

A Quick Word of Caution

Be sure to follow professional recommendations, healthcare provider advice, and common sense when using peppermint essential oil. While it is incredibly versatile and relatively gentle, it is still a medicinal-quality substance and should be treated with care. As with all oils, make sure to always dilute with a carrier oil and, as always, listen to your body and the wisdom of those who have used aromatherapy before us: essential oils are best in small doses!

Also, don’t consume neat. The University of Maryland Medical Center warns that peppermint essential oil can relax the esophageal sphincter and pose risks for those with reflux. (5) Don’t consume neat. Taking one or two drops of peppermint in a gel capsule can remedy this risk relatively easily.

One of the best things we did for our family’s health was learning how to use essential oils with confidence and safety. And you can do the same through our Essential Oils for Abundant Living Masterclass! 10 lessons and a myriad of how-to resources will get you started down the path of health and wellness so you too can experience the abundant life.



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