Essential Oils for Teething Babies & Infant Pain Relief

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Essential Oils for Teething Babies & Infant Pain Relief

Teething. The word itself can cause stress levels to rise in parents. Did you know that the US Food & Drug Administration recommends NOT using teething gel on babies? The agency “remains particularly concerned about the use of OTC benzocaine products in children for relief of pain from teething.” (1)  Here are some essential oils for teething babies that you can use without fear of harming your child’s health.

Essential Oils for Teething Babies

Babies might start teething anywhere from 3 months to 14 months old. Your child might be in discomfort weeks ahead of when you actually see the tooth break through the gums. Some common symptoms that signal teething are drooling, biting, wanting to just drink, not eat, low fever, rash around mouth, diaper rash, runny nose, earaches, and sleeplessness. These essential oils for teething babies can help ease a lot of those symptoms.

To make an essential oil teething remedy, first make sure you have a carrier oil like olive oil, sweet almond, or fractionated coconut oil to mix the essential oils in. Use 1 drop of essential oil per tablespoon of carrier oil.

Choose 1 or 2 of the following essential oils to mix in a carrier oil and see which ones help your teething baby the most. It is best to test the mixture on yourself before using it on your baby.

Essential Oils for Infants Under 3 Months

For our youngest little ones, you can diffuse essential oils to increase their comfort and attempt to alter their perception of pain instead of using topical applications. These 2 essential oils are the safest for infants:

Essential Oils and Babies Over 3 Months

For babies older than 3 months, you could diffuse or use topically with a very dilute mixture. Rub the essential oil teething remedy mixture along their jawline, using a 0.5% dilution to help them cope with their discomfort. You might change the type of carrier oil you use depending on what the baby likes.

Try the oils listed above as well as:

The essential oils for teething babies can be applied every 4-5 hours. Take some time and massage your baby’s face, jaw, and gums in a circular motion.

Consider using hydrosols for children this age if you prefer to avoid essential oils on your babies. Recommended hydrosols for teething include lavender and chamomile hydrosols, which you can massage right along the jawline.

For children older than 2 years, you can use up to 5-6 drops of essential oil per tablespoon of carrier oil.

This recipe developed by Mama Z is recommended for babies 3 months and older.

Essential Oils for Teething Babies & Infant Pain Relief
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Infant Teething Pain Relief Oil

Author: Mama Z



  • 1 tablespoon coconut, extra-virgin AND unrefined
  • 1 tablespoon organic food-grade cocoa butter
  • 3 drops essential oils [ones to try: Lavender, Roman chamomile, Copaiba, German Chamomile]


  • Melt coconut oil and cocoa butter together.
  • Remove from heat.
  • Add essential oils of your choice.
  • Put in glass container.
  • Let cool.
  • Rub the creamy mixture along your baby’s jawline.


You can almost make this blend with fractionated coconut oil in a 10ml roller bottle for an easy-to-apply roll on.
Remember – these essential oils for teething babies are also great options for adults with toothaches!
Here are some more remedies for common problems with babies: cradle cap remedynipple cream for breastfeeding moms, and diaper rash cream.



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