To fight disease and prevent sickness properly, we each have to first learn how to boost our immune system naturally. Once you master these strategies, you’ll find yourself getting sick less often and, if you do come down with something, you’ll bounce back much quicker!
Table of Contents
Understanding the Immune System
When operating at its peak performance, our immune system can pinpoint and remove risks to wellness, recognize and imitate previous immune responses, and repair cellular and tissue damage. If it is running too high or too low, however, it can produce debilitating pain and allow all types of disease to develop like autoimmunity.
While our culture is used to prescription solutions and quick fixes, learning how to boost the immune system naturally isn’t on top of most people’s lists. And, it’s important to understand that immunity is very complex balance. It takes more than just increasing the number of immune cells to improve and protect our health. In other words, we can’t just take something (like vitamin C or citrus fruits) to boost the immune system. (1)
With that said, we can certainly identify some steps to follow as you learn how to boost your immune system naturally, which will help your body function more efficiently and prevent disease more readily. I like to call it supporting or bolstering the immune system.
An antigen is a toxin or foreign substance that induces immune system responses in the body. Most of the time, this immune response is the production of antibodies (blood proteins with regions that bind specifically to a particular antigen to neutralize it). In layman’s terms, antigens are the bad guys and antibodies are the good guys. The good guys go out to seek and destroy when your body is invaded by the bad guys.
The more often the body successfully destroys an antigen, the tougher and more varied the immune system becomes; this is called acquired (or adapted) immunity. (2) The long-term immune response involves white blood cells called lymphocytes that produce antibodies that assist the body in breaking down antigens. The cells then preserve the memory of deactivating or destroying the antigens, then remain until they need to reproduce that action in the future.
Because of the way the immune response is switched on, the immune system is entwined with the circulatory, endocrine, digestive, neurological, and integumentary systems, to name a few. One action always influences many processes, and for the immune system specifically, things can have far-encompassing results. The most important fact is this, the whole body works together.
The skin is an example of the immune system preventing many destructive substances from spreading to the rest of the body. Fevers are an early reaction, often the first clue about a bacterial or viral infection, and raise the body temperature higher than the pathogen can endure. We are all brought into this world with an immune system function called innate immunity, the first line of protection against disease. This is the fast-acting response to an invading antigen – germ, bacteria, or virus – blocking it from ever spreading to the body to become an illness. Mucous snares them, stomach acid and enzymes can shut down or kill them, and coughing can remove them.
5 Things That Damage Your Immune System
When it comes to learning how to boost your immune system naturally, you must avoid those things that hinder your immune response in the first place. In other words, you have to stop the bleeding before healing can begin.
A theory that I hold to be true is that our immune system will function at full capacity if left alone to do its job. If lifestyle factors, both physical and mental, burden the immune system, it will never be free to do what it was designed to do, and no amount of “boosting” will help because you’ll always be running in a negative equity situation – like taking one step forward, but two steps back.
Closely linked with neurological and hormonal functions, the immune response is altered when we are under heavy stress or are not recovering well with adequate sleep habits. (3, 4) A sedentary lifestyle can also lead to sluggish body systems – immunity included. (5)
The human body processes and distributes everything that we consume. One classic study, in particular, demonstrated the effect that sugar consumption has on the body. When sugary drinks were consumed, the immune system operated about half as well as it should have, and this deficiency lasted least five hours after the sugar was consumed. (6)
Similarly, an overabundance of omega-6 fatty acids, found in processed carbs and meats, can produce inflammation throughout the body, causing pain and inflammatory disease. (7) Excessive alcohol consumption can also be a problem.
These are five primary things that weaken your immune system:
- Aging
- Poor eating habits
- Inadequate exercise
- Stress & Anxiety
- Environment Toxins
1. Aging
When learning how to boost your immune system naturally, some factors will simply be out of your control. Regrettably, one of the biggest opponents you’ll face is also unalterable: length of life. As the body ages, immune functions dwindle. Lymphocytes are not as widespread, and the innate response is sluggish. But while we can’t stop time, we can actively strive to turn back its influence. (8)
The same activities that help us feel more youthful also seem to help support the body’s optimum function. Mature men and women who exercise routinely naturally boost the immune system later in life than those who continue to be inactive. (9) Eating a healthy diet loaded with antioxidants helps to turn around the loss that time, stress, and pollutants have caused, which in turn permits the immune system to keep going. (10)
2. Eating Habits Impact Immune Response
Two distinctive aspects come into play when considering eating habits and wellness. The first is how we ingest unhealthy foods and chemicals, and then feel defeated, while the second is the way our eating habits shock immune function.
Stomach acid is a tough substance, but it doesn’t wipe out everything that comes its way. The intestines attack antigens that make it through the stomach. Immune cells contribute to this effort, and the intestinal flora (healthy bacteria) helps too. The body consists of a notable supply of microbes, and most are on our side, helping to stop the ones that aren’t. (11)
The remainder of these microbes is determined in large part by what we eat and drink. Standard American Diets (SAD) normally result in a very different “view” of intestinal bacteria than what we find in traditional diets. (12) This, combined with our knowledge that sugar can diminish the immune system and vitamin supplements (notably vitamin D) can fortify it, but that’s rarely enough. A diet rich in bioactive foods will help tremendously which is why we show you step-by-step how to create that in The Essential Oils Diet book.
3. Inadequate or Excessive Exercise
It has become the standard mantra of health experts and global health authorities: eat well and have regular physical activity. But not enough people are taking heed of this sound advice.
We may not quite recognize how exercise impacts immunity, but we are aware they are connected. Physical inactivity can decrease immune function. Yet, keep in mind that very demanding exercise can also lead to impairment. (13)
Exercise is vital when it comes to immune function and avoiding illness, particularly chronic illness. The key is to make viable, pleasurable changes toward regular Moderate-intensity exercise, or HIIT. (14)
4. Stress & Anxiety
While most stressors in our Western way of life are mental or emotional, they have no less effect on the immune system than continued physical stress. As with exercise, not all types of anxiety are equal, and not all have the same effect on the body.
A weak immune system is sensitive to anxiety and its impact on the body, and it can be triggered into action by these changes. (15) Short-term anxiety, even at high levels, is not usually a difficulty. However, constant stress drains the immune system enough to cause susceptibility to major illnesses. (16) Releasing anxiety – through enjoyable exercise, calming essential oils, or a wholesome diet – can therefore boost your immune system. Do you see a pattern yet?
5. Environmental Toxins
We constantly touch, ingest, and breathe pollutants that our bodies were never intended to experience. Fortunately, our lungs and respiratory system, lined with mucous able to catch antigens with every breath, are at the forefront of immune function. (17)
Environmental pollutants assault the immune system daily, taking up immune resources and even affecting cell function. We often think of smog and chemical pollution, but artificial fragrances, excessive alcohol, and cigarette smoke can be just as harmful. (18) Same with the chemicals we consume, as well as what we put on our skin through most body care and cleaning products.
While we cannot eradicate all of the toxins in our environment, we can do our best to create a toxic-free home and live a natural lifestyle that puts less stress on the immune system.
Understanding the adaptive response of our immune function and minimizing the strain we put it under, is the first line of defense against disease. And the first steps towards improving our overall health and wellness.
11 Ways to Boost Your Immune System Naturally
In our search to live a healthy, vibrant abundant life, it has dawned on many of us that we should focus our energy on preventing disease before it ever takes root in our bodies. There are countless ways to boost your immune system, and these 10 strategies stand out among the rest.
1. Drink Pure, Clean Water
The human body is made up of water more than any other element or compound in the world which is the reason why drinking pure, clean water is #1 on the list of disease prevention strategies.
According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry, and Dr. Jeffrey Utz, Neuroscience, pediatrics, Allegheny University: (7)
- Your brain and heart are composed of 73% water.
- Your lungs are about 83% water.
- Your skin contains 64% water.
- Your muscles and kidneys are 79%.
- Your bones are watery 31%.
- Newborn babies are made up of about 78% water. By one year of age, this drops to 65%.
- In adult men, roughly 60% of their bodies are made up of water.
- In adult women, the percentage of water is about 55% because they naturally have more fatty tissue.
Your body is a veritable sponge and if you want to detox and cleanse your body from impurities, drinking water is the best way to flush them out of your system!
Water Filtration
Next to air, we cannot live too long without water. Unfortunately, most municipal drinking water is filled with harmful neurotoxins like fluoride, chlorine and even prescription medications! Whether it’s a sink-mount or an entire house system, drinking purified water is a must. This is one of our favorite water filtration systems.
2. Breathe Pure Air
Truth is, we consume a massive, ton of air (infinitely more than the water that we drink and food that we eat), but a vast majority of people are more concerned about their diet choices, vitamin supplements & exercise routines while neglecting the air that they breathe… innocently allowing toxins into their body at an uncontrollable rate.
With all of the toxic mold issues and respiratory infections we’ve dealt with over the years, I don’t know what we would have done without our air purifiers. We now have eight units in our home (including our basement office/studio) and our air quality improved dramatically. In just a few hours, we couldn’t detect any mold or foul smell in the air and our health soon followed……
Air Purification
Far too many people take for granted that every breath we take will either give us Abundant Life-giving gasses like nitrogen and oxygen or fill our lungs with pollutants. Make sure you get a purifier that filters out mold and other allergens, especially when you’re sleeping! This is our favorite air purifier.
3. Eat Pure, Clean Food
Next to drinking good water, it is vital to eat pure, clean food on a daily basis. In addition to being 100% organic, the foods that you eat should be free of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and as natural as possible, meaning no processed food, bleached flour, sugar, or preservatives. With that being said, if you had to choose one type of food for the rest of your life, the best bang for your buck when it comes to immune-boosting power would be cruciferous vegetables. I know you’re shocked it isn’t citrus fruits, and those are great, but look at the research.
These vegetables, known as Brassica veggies, are all a part of the cabbage family. (8) These plants, are included in the Cruciferae family and are known for their cross-shaped flowers with four petals.
Most commonly, you’ll be able to find these at the grocery store:
- Arugula
- Bok Choy
- Brussels Sprouts
- Broccoli Cabbage
- Collard Greens
- Cauliflower
- Kale
- Horseradish
- Mustard Greens
- Turnips
- Radish
- Rutabaga
- Wasabi
- Watercress
Be sure to eat these immune-boosting veggies in their raw and steamed forms. The key to their cancer-fighting and immune-boosting power are compounds known as indoles, thiocyanates, nitriles, and isothiocyanates (8).
Yet, eating a well-balanced diet is hard for most people for a number of reasons, which is why drinking smoothies has become so popular over the years. Yes, drinking blended fresh fruits & veggies together will give you a wonderful nutrient boost, but most people’s eating habits lack the proper nutrition they need to stay healthy with a strong immune system.
Enter “super greens powder.” The easiest, and most cost-effective way to fortify your morning smoothie with the vegetable nutrition you need to enjoy vibrant health. Technically speaking, greens powders are dietary supplements made from dehydrated vegetables, herbs, and immune-boosting foods designed to help you reach your daily recommended vegetable intake, and unless they are sweetened or flavored have an extremely bitter, grassy taste. The key is to make sure the ingredients are organic and if possible sprouted or fermented to help boost your probiotic intake, which is vital for proper immune function.
Super Greens Powder
One of the easiest ways to get loads of essential nutrients and dietary fibers that your body needs, the unfortunate thing is that most super greens powder on the market brand also contains fillers, artificial ingredients/flavorings or additional ingredients that can cause more harm than good. We encourage you to find a brand that you can trust and one that tastes great so you can fortify your morning smoothies without thinking twice. This is our favorite brand (and it tastes great!)
4. Immune Boosting Supplements
Today, most daily multivitamins are a waste of money and can cause a dangerous imbalance of vitamins and minerals in the body. People have been supplementing in various forms for thousands of years. However, some people go overboard.
- Too much calcium can cause iron deficiency.
- Too much iron can cause zinc deficiency.
- Too much vitamin C can cause copper deficiency.
- And the list goes on and on…
Across the board, vitamin nutrient deficiency is unrealistic in our culture, and scientists believe that overdosing on vitamins is actually a bigger problem. Excessive vitamin A use, for example, has been known to cause liver damage, coma, and even death. (9, 10, 11)
Some immune-boosting supplements on the market will help target immune function while leaving the other nutrients in your body alone. Many of them work very well. Our favorite is a combination of these 4 powerful ingredients because of the research showing how they help each other work synergistically to offer protection against toxic agents and they demonstrate strong anti-tumor potential. (25, 26).
- Beta-glucan
- Selenium
- Resveratrol
- Vitamin C
Notice you don’t see vitamin D on this list. Yes, vitamin D is absolutely crucial for proper immune function, but it pairs best with vitamin K2 and shouldn’t be part of a herbal supplement.
Immune-Boosting Supplements
For thousands of years, our ancestors have used herbs for immune system health. Herbs kept us healthy, safe from infection and made up the basis for all medicine. When you mix the 4 ingredients you get a clinically-proven boosting powerhouse super supplement. This is our favorite brand.
5. Vitamin D
Up until recently, the true significance of vitamin D deficiency has been relatively unknown. Traditionally, because it is well known for assimilating calcium from the foods that we eat, vitamin D has usually been associated with being essential for bone health.
Today, however, researchers now know that it is a key nutrient for proper immune function and scientists have discovered that it can help protect against a host of other, more serious health problems such as type 1 and type 2 diabetes, hypertension, glucose intolerance, and even multiple sclerosis. If you cannot get out in the sun for at least 15-20 minutes a day, you should strongly consider supplementing.
Vitamin D3 + K2
The key to buying the right vitamin D supplement is to make sure it’s manufactured in a form that your body can absorb and that it’s blended with vitamin K2. When vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 are mixed together, a synergy is created and the health benefits of both vitamins are dramatically enhanced. Research has actually suggests that consuming vitamin D3 increases your body’s demand for vitamin K – so it’s important to take these two vitamins together. This is our favorite brand.
6. Stress Management
Stress management is definitely on everyone’s “Top 5 Things To Do To Stay Healthy” list. Stress kills. Period. In the words of neurobiologist Robert Sapolsky in the National Geographic and Stanford University documentary Stress: Portrait of a Killer, “Stress is not a state of mind… it’s measurable and dangerous, and humans can’t seem to find their off-switch.” (14)
Sapolsky spells out that people are most susceptible to stress if they struggle with the following feelings:
- Having no control.
- Left in the dark (not enough information about how difficult or long a challenging situation may be).
- Being stuck, with no way out.
- The perception that things are getting worse.
- Having no “shoulder to cry on” (lack of support).
Americans are experiencing an increase in emotional and psychological stress, which is why the American Psychological Association has observed the following: (15)
- 43% of all adults suffer adverse health effects from stress.
- 75 to 90% of all physician office visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints.
- Stress is linked to the six leading causes of death – heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver, and suicide.
- The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has stated that stress is a hazard in the workplace.
- Many people believe that money is the leading cause of stress in America today! (16)
- 64% of Americans say that money is their primary stress and nearly 75% of everyone has reported experiencing some stress about money. Other main contributors to stress include: (17)
- Work (60%)
- Family responsibilities (47%)
- Health concerns (46%)
Because these main stressors are often unavoidable, it’s very important that we learn how to manage them. These top 10 stress-relieving techniques are absolutely critical for people to learn to help prevent disease and keep sickness at bay: (18)
- Prayer – you are not alone, you have a Creator who loves you!
- Breathe deeply – from the belly, not the chest.
- Be present – stay aware and be in the present, with no distractions.
- Reach out – we are social beings; people are NOT designed to be alone.
- Tune in to your body – pay attention to the signs and clues.
- Decompress – chiropractic, essential oils, and therapeutic massage are fantastic ways to manage stress at every level.
- Laugh out loud – as the proverb says, “A merry heart does good like medicine!”
- Crank up the tunes – enjoy music, dance, and play!
- Get moving – walking, HIIT, Tai Chi, and yoga are fantastic ways to keep mobile.
- Be grateful – thankfulness for what we have breeds contentment!
Essential Oils
When many people think of essential oils, using lavender to help calm and relax comes to mind and for good reason. Inhaling lavender can instantly put someone into that parasympathetic “rest and digest” state where they can experience inner peace, enjoy better sleep and absolutely stop stress and panic in its tracks. But there are a ton of other essential oils that can do this as well. In fact, we dive into how to use essential oils to effectively manage stress, anxiety, and chronic mental health issues like depression and substance abuse in our latest book. Grab your copy today and learn how to manage stress once and for all!
7. Avoid Toxins By Getting Into the DIY Habit
Toxic overload is a primary cause of mental, emotional, and physical stress. And not to mention, it’s a root cause of inflammation. Similar to the anxiety caused by financial and work issues, many of these stressors are unavoidable (e.g. smog, acid rain, fumes at the gas station, exhaust in traffic, cleaning chemicals at your work, etc.). It’s absolutely essential to limit our exposure to the environmental toxins that are within our control such as:
- Alcohol Intake
- Conventional, GMO foods or Processed foods
- Harmful cleaners and toxic body products
- Needless pharmaceuticals and over-the-counter drugs
- Nicotine
- Processed Sugar
Let’s take a look at sugar… Do everything in moderation, right?
Absolutely not. Nothing could be further from the truth! If there’s one thing that is 100% in our control and is a must-do to maintain proper immune function, it’s to avoid eating processed sugar.
Nancy Appleton, Ph.D. says that there are more than 140 ways that sugar may ruin your health. (19) Here are just a few: (20, 21, 22)
- Causes dental carries
- Causes skin conditions like acne and eczema
- Contributes to hormone imbalance and adrenal fatigue
- Depletes your natural energy reserves and prevents mineral absorption
- Encourage stomach ulcer formation
- Feeds candida
- Greatly inhibits metabolism
- Leads to osteoporosis and arthritis
- Causes gallstones
- Spikes blood sugar levels
- Suppresses the immune system
According to nutrition expert K.C. Craichy, just 100 grams of sugar inhibits our white blood cell’s ability to kill pathogens in our body by up to 90%. And this happens within 15 minutes of consumption! (5) Additionally, in the words of the American Anti-Cancer Institute,
“When we consume sugar, shut off our defenses while pouring gasoline on the fire that is cancer. When we take into account that “50 to 70% of our total immune system cells cannot see cancer … even on our best day,” the notion of adding it to our diet seems even more blasphemous.” (A.J. Lanigan, Quest for the Cures) (5)
White processed sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and all of their evil accomplices are possibly the most dangerous substances on the planet and should be avoided at all cost!
Easier said than done, right?
Especially when you consider all of the hidden sources of sugar in our food supply. It seems the only way to completely avoid sugar is to make your own food. Adopting this DIY (do it yourself) mentality will save you thousands of dollars in medical interventions over the course of your life and countless hours of pain and suffering.
We can certainly see the same with other environmental toxins that we breathe in and come into contact with in our cleaning & body care products. The bottom line is that we need to become DIY gurus if we want to effectively avoid toxins and enjoy an abundant life.
Mama Z’s DIY Home & Body eBook Bundle
Starting today, you can eliminate thousands of toxins from your family’s diet & self-care routine to support better immune function and save hundreads of dollars making your own cleaning and personal care products. From mouthwatering, allergen-free meals to the most effective DIY body care and household cleaners you can make on a budget, Mama Z’s Healthy Home Makeover eBook Bundle gives you 1000+ trusted (and kid-approved) recipes & DIY hacks. And you can get discounted access on this page only!
8. Regular Cleansing and Detox
Regular cleansing and detox are key to boosting your immune system because environmental toxins are absolutely impossible to stay away from.
Two of our favorite detox strategies are the Master Cleanse and coffee enemas.
Commonly known as the “Lemonade Diet,” the Master Cleanse was designed by Stanley Burroughs in the mid-1940s to help place the human body in a position where it could heal itself of disease. His work was (and still is) brilliant because the special concoction of fresh lemon juice, pure maple syrup, and cayenne pepper helps sustain people during a 10-day fast so that the energy that is normally required to fuel the digestive system can be used to fight illnesses.
The Master Cleanse is a very simple program:
- First, squeeze fresh lemon juice.
- Then add Grade B or C maple syrup, and powdered cayenne pepper into filtered water.
- Drink a minimum of 6 to 12 glasses throughout the day.
- Drink laxative tea before bed and begin the day with a saltwater flush.
Coffee enemas go hand-in-hand with the Master Cleanse and have been used since the early 20th century. They are known to help relieve constipation, insomnia, and cognitive problems. They are also effective at eliminating candida and other pathogens without disrupting intestinal flora. Coffee enemas are regularly used in natural cancer protocols and were even part of the Merck Manual up until the mid-1970s. (5)
In addition to regular cleansing, it’s important to supplement with detoxifying supplements. There are a plethora of options on the market and it’s important to do your homework. Like essential oils the supplement industry is completely unregulated and anyone can sell anything they want online. You’d be shocked to learn that most essential oils and supplements are mislabelled and adulterated.
Detoxifying Supplements
Imagine being able to sleep soundly at night, recall facts and figures easily from memory, and look years younger to boot. If this sounds too good to be true because you’ve tried everything… think again. Because there is one natural mineral that can clear out the ‘toxic garbage’ that’s been holding you back, so you can feel better than you have in years. We all need to take detoxifying supplements and this is our favorite brand.
9. Restful, Rejuvenating Sleep
Getting good, quality sleep is deeply connected with longevity and overall health. (23) Of course, the amount of sleep that each person requires is unique to that individual. Most experts agree that the majority of people should get an average of 7 hours every night. In the words of one study, “Average sleep quality was better related to sleepiness than sleep quantity,” which means that people should minimize these common sleep disturbances as much as possible:
- Excessive stress – Can cause nightmares and wandering thoughts.
- Poor quality mattress and pillow – about a third of your life is spent in bed, so don’t skimp because you usually get what you pay for!
- Eating late at night – as well as drinking caffeinated beverages after 5:00 p.m.
- Electromagnetic frequency (EMFs)– turn off your cell phone and Wi-Fi router at night
We have found that CBD is a wonderful sleep aid and, like most things that we have discussed, be sure that you’re not buying mislabelled, adulterated products online.
CBD: Looking for the “Real Deal”?
Like essential oils and supplements, there are ways to make sure that the CBD that you’re using is the real deal, and has the inflammation-soothing, immune-boosting, sleep-promoting properties that you need to enjoy a pain free life. In fact, there are 4 ways to identify junk CBD before you buy.
10. Regular Exercise
Regular exercise is high on this list but not in the top 3. The main reason exercise is beneficial is because we live such sedentary lifestyles. Since the beginning of time, people didn’t set aside time to “exercise,” they simply lived a life of consistent, regular movement.
During his TED talk, National Geographic reporter Dan Buettner uncovered some key insights into what makes the “Blue Zones” uniquely distinct from the rest of the world. Blue Zones are those regions where people regularly live to be 100 years and beyond, including the highlands of Sardinia, the northern part Okinawa, and the Seventh-Day Adventist community in Lomo Linda, California.
Buettner discovered that NONE of these groups exercised. They walk a lot and live a life of movement. They also tend to garden and do many things “by hand.” So you need to get moving if you want to live like a Blue Zoner.
Working Out from Home
Yes, it’s possible to enjoy all of the benefits of getting in shape and staying healthy in the comfort of your home. And Mama Z is here to help you do just that! As a former fitness instructor and Mrs. Georgia America 2019, she invites you to check out her low-impact, at-home workout that makes it easy to get off the couch, support mobility and manage inflammation. This appropriate-for-all-fitness levels video series is fun, doable and makes the decision to exercise…easy! Check out Mama Z’s Home Exercise Class and get moving today!
11. Take Your Probiotics
You have good and bad bacteria. Bacteria often get a reputation for being a strictly nefarious substance. As it turns out, we have beneficial microbes too, and they’re crucial to the health of just about every bodily system.
These good bacteria are called probiotics. The term “probiotic” is derived from the Latin preposition “pro,” which means “for” and the Greek word “biotic” meaning “for life.” Many of the benefits of probiotic supplements come from helping us produce important nutrients that we do not have the human genes to make. These nutrients help break down food, teach our immune system how to recognize threats, and even create helpful compounds that fight off illness.
An imbalance of your microflora can wreak havoc on your immune system because your immune system is almost entirely in your gut (80 percent is there). Your digestive system essentially houses billions and billions of good fungi and bacteria. Their biggest job is to find bad microorganisms and destroy them. Another one of their jobs is to help you metabolize your food. All of this keeps you healthy. This is why many people who are sick have issues in their digestive tract.
Without probiotics, your body’s complex system of digestive organs would be unable to properly digest food or absorb nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Probiotics also inhibit harmful microbes and drive a strong immune system.
But there’s no shortage of probiotic products to choose from. So there’s no shortage of marketing hype and misinformation in the gut health industry. Fortunately, when it comes to probiotic supplement effectiveness, there’s ONE easy way to cut to the chase: a probiotic is ONLY a “true probiotic” if it arrives in the intestines alive.
Make Sure Your Probiotics Are Alive
Probiotics that have to be refrigerated aren’t true probiotics. If a strain can’t survive at room temperature, how can it possibly survive past your stomach acid. A live, active probiotic is your key to balanced gut health and feeling your absolute best! And, you may be surprised to discover that the benefits of a strong and supported gut go way past digestive and immune health. This is our favorite brand of living probiotics.
Bonus: Using Essential Oils to Prevent Disease
And the leaves of the trees are for the healing of the nations.
Revelation 22:2
And, last, but not least…
I can think of no other substance on earth that epitomizes this Bible verse than essential oils.
Extracted directly from the bark, flower fruit, leaves, nut, resin, or root of a plant or tree, just one drop of essential oil can provide the amazing health benefits that each oil provides. Used medicinally for thousands of years, the potency behind these oils is their ability to support your natural healing systems.
Essential oils are a complex network of molecules that carry unique effects on the body. Namely, they are anti-inflammatory, powerful antioxidants, and exceptionally healing. People looking for natural solutions to the toxic chemicals that are in their homes, bodies, and healthcare products are enjoying oils in what seems to be a limitless variety of applications.
Remember that living an Abundant Life is a process and utilizing natural remedies is a must!
Mastering Essential Oils
Far too many people get overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information on the Internet today, which is why I always recommend taking one step at a time and enjoying the journey when learning how to use essential oils. A good place to start is to watch our video classes, which will teach you everything you need to know to make sure you’re using essential oils safely & effectively. Check it out & see how easy it is to get started today!
Even though we don’t need to walk around loaded at the hip with hand sanitizer, we live in a very sick and toxic world, and deadly pathogens can take advantage of us when we have a slight lapse of immunity. Even the healthiest person who was raised on organic food and a healthy environment since birth is susceptible to disease!
But God has given us an immune system for a reason. When learning how to boost your immune system naturally, never forget that the body has been designed with an unbelievable ability to heal itself. When given the right nutrients and fuel that it needs to fight disease, the body will heal and do it superbly!