7 Health Benefits of Castor Oil & Castor Oil Packs

Reading Time: 7 minutes

The benefits of castor oil have been used since the beginning of humanity. Not only is it one of nature’s BEST carriers for essential oil preparations, it’s been used for its powerful yet gentle anti-aging qualities for both health and beauty and you’re going to love how it can help you too.

Castor Oil’s History & Uses

It has been reported that Historians have found evidence of castor oil in most ancient civilizations. The Greeks & Romans, for example, used it as an ointment and health elixir. Later, in Ayurvedic medicine, the castor oil came to be known as ‘the secret of beauty’

The ancient Egyptians used it as lamp fuel and later for medicinal and beauty treatments. In fact, Cleopatra believed castor oil would brighten the whites of her eyes!

Castor Oil on its own or on a Castor Oil Pack (more on this later), has been called miraculous by many who have used it…

Perhaps it’s called a “miracle oil” because of its varied uses and being safe and effective for all members of youramily (except during pregnancy), such as:

  • Constipation, bloating, and IBS
  • Stress, anxiety, disturbed sleep, lack of energy
  • Joint inflammation, hip, back, sciatic pain
  • Skin breakouts, hair loss
  • Hormone imbalances like thyroid, perimenopause, menopause, painful periods, PCOS, and endometriosis

So, let’s uncover the 7 so-called miracles (supported by science) and see why Castor Oil may be your new go-to for your family’s natural pharmacy and beauty routine.

7 Health Benefits of Castor Oil

Here are the top 7 “miracle” benefits of Castor Oil:

#1. Castor Oil carries essential oils deeper:

As you know, base oil is used to dilute essential oils for delivery of that oil into the skin. The miracle with Castor Oil is that, unlike other carrier oils like jojoba oil or almond oil, it goes beyond the top layer of the epidermis (the skin) and goes deeper into the tissues. So, this has a greater therapeutic benefit with your favorite essential oils like lavender, lemon, frankincense, etc.

Some enhance this effect by adding the essential oils and Castor Oil directly onto a Castor Oil Pack, which supports absorption even further by naturally opening and relaxing the nervous system.

A Castor Oil Pack is an organic cotton flannel pack with Castor Oil, typically placed directly over the abdomen to optimize your self-care practices.

#2. Castor Oil is a rich source of antioxidants for aging eyes:

Castor Oil is a wonderful fatty-acid-rich emollient that contains skin-nourishing nutrients like omega 6 and 9, vitamin E, and polyphenols (1, 2) like quercetin.

Its anti-aging properties(3) will also help in the reduction of wrinkles, dark circles, and puffiness under the eyes because it stimulates both the circulatory and lymphatic system (4). Amazing, agreed?

Using Castor Oil as an eye make-up remover or better yet, used in combination with an organic cotton flannel eye compress, are excellent ways to incorporate the oil into your nightly beauty routine.

#3. Castor Oil supports natural hair growth, for eyebrows and eyelashes:

Thinning eyebrows and eyelashes can be caused by stress, bacterial growth, immune reactions, and thyroid and hormonal imbalances like perimenopause.

Regular practice of Castor Oil applied directly to the eyebrows and eyelashes with a Castor Oil Eye Compress while you sleep, will nourish the hair follicles and enhance circulation (5).

Plus, wearing an Eye Compress to bed at night helps to balance your sleep hormone melatonin (6, 7, 8, 9), naturally, so that you sleep deeper.

#4: Castor Oil is a natural pain-relieving anti-inflammatory:

As you know, inflammation can be found all over the body in varying degrees. Some conditions which the miracle oil may offer relief include: arthritis and sore joints, lower back, hip, and sciatic pain, skin breakouts/acne, and inflammation of the gums!

#5: Castor Oil helps balance the microbiome:

When applied to the skin, scalp, and mucus membrane Castor Oil can help to support a healthy microbiome (10, 11, 12)

Cleansing your skin with Castor Oil can help to balance the bacteria propionibacterium acne, which causes breakouts of the skin.

#6: Castor Oil can relieve constipation:

Traditionally, Castor Oil has been recommended by pharmacists to be taken orally as a strong stimulant laxative. However, Castor Oil Packs have been shown to be just as effective and better tolerated for relieving constipation when applied topically as a gentle Castor Oil Pack, compared to conventional laxatives (13, 14).

The Castor Oil Pack is most often recommended by natural practitioners to relieve constipation, bloating and gastrointestinal upset. Sounds like a wonderful miracle, agreed?

#7 Castor Oil Packs help to balance hormones:

A Castor Oil Pack (and not just the oil alone) helps to improve sleep, which reduces stress and supports balanced hormones, similar to a weighted blanket (15, 16, 17, 18).

When the body is in the ‘rest and digest’ state it can then do its job to cleanse and detox, and hormones can get better.

FAQs About Castor Oil

DISCLAIMER: Always check with your gut, your higher self and your doctor before starting any new lifestyle practice. This is not meant to treat, prevent, cure or diagnose any disease. This is for educational purposes only. Results vary.

Can I just drink Castor Oil or rub it on my skin?

Castor Oil is a stimulant laxative that when taken orally, can cause cramping and make you rush to go to the bathroom.

Simply rubbing Castor Oil on your skin and throwing an old T-shirt overtop (A.K.A. the “Lazy Castor Oil Pack”) only gives you about 50% of the benefits.  You see, the pack and the Castor Oil work synergistically together to help you feel better

Will it impact any of my medications, hormone replacement therapy, birth control pills, IUD or supplements?

We are not aware of any research that has been done to suggest that Castor Oil Packs are contraindicated if you’re taking medication. Castor Oil Packs are safe to use while on hormone replacements, TTC medicines or birth control pills and support hormone balance if you are weaning off. They are safe to use with internal IUDs.

Is the Castor Oil Pack messy?

Has the mess and fear of staining your fabrics stopped you from doing a Castor Oil Pack in the past? Probably, and that’s why this pack was designed by a naturopathic doctor just for you to be LESS-mess.

Although it’s not messless, it’s LESS messy than a DIY pack. Always wear an old T-shirt over top, just in case. Please note: Your pack will become messy over time and it’s unknown whether or not toxins are absorbed into the pack, this is why it’s important to use fresh oil with each use and replace your pack after 2 months if you’re using it daily.

Do I have to add heat?

Extra heat is not necessary because the Original Organic Castor Oil Pack is engineered to naturally hold in your body heat. You can add extra heat if you want, but it’s 100% optional.

Heat is used in natural medicine as a modality to slow things down, so it may be beneficial in cases of cramping or if you find you’re always cold. But in cases of constipation, adding heat may make you more constipated. Don’t add cold to your Castor Oil Pack.

Can I wear it if I’m pregnant, breastfeeding or on my period?

  • Pregnancy: Castor Oil Packs should NOT be used during pregnancy, unless advised by your doctor, doula or midwife practitioners.
  • Postpartum during breastfeeding: Wait until you’ve finished breastfeeding to wear your Castor Oil Pack however the Castor Oil Pack for Fertility can be used during this time to support healing and resetting of the pelvic and abdominal organs after having a baby.
  • Menstruation: Contrary to popular belief, Castor Oil Packs CAN be worn during your period. However, if it’s your FIRST time ever doing a Castor Oil Pack, wait until the end of your period to begin, otherwise, you may experience more intense period cramps.

After regular usage there is no issue with doing your pack on your period. Often many practitioners note that your period improves with a regular Castor Oil Pack practice.


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