6 Benefits of Fennel Essential Oil: Anxiety, Cramps & Indigestion

Reading Time: 9 minutes
6 Benefits of Fennel Essential Oil: Anxiety, Cramps & Indigestion

Tasty, aromatic, and a global favorite, fennel essential oil benefits help manage anxiety, cramps, digestive issues, upset stomach, and a number of other health conditions. You may be surprised how useful it can be to your overall health!

Various preparations and applications of fennel have strong, reliable, and versatile benefits you’ll want to use for yourself. Learn how to use is safely and confidently!

Traditional Fennel Essential Oil Uses

From the fennel plant, a flowering herb related to the carrot family, fennel seed is most commonly used in culinary preparations. Fennel essential oil, however, can come from the seed or the aerial (above-ground) parts of the plant.

Native to southern Europe, fennel plants are found in many Mediterranean recipes, much like its closely related dill, caraway, and coriander. Fennel herb is primarily used in whole-plant preparations for digestive health. Seeds would be chewed after a meal to improve digestion, and it was included in many recipes for the same reason. (1)

While the benefits of fennel seed were most often pursued in herbal medicine, the leaves, stem, and flower are highly aromatic. Like anise, fennel has a touch of black licorice scent and flavor that make it uniquely suited for aromatic preparations. The earthy scent lends itself nicely to deepening diffuser blends.

While we have little evidence of fennel being used aromatically throughout history, there’s no question that the ancients enjoyed the fennel oil benefits, if only as they walked by their cultivated plants and brushed the leaves, releasing the volatile compounds. Today, we can do far more.

6 Fennel Essential Oil Benefits

Traditional uses of fennel include everything from digestive wellness to anti-inflammatory, pain relief, antioxidants, breast milk production, and more. The primary use would have been with the whole herb, and many believe that the concurrent compounds help deactivate the risks of estragole. (2)

According to one study,

Anethole is the most basic fennel compound that reduces inflammation and prevents cancer. Anethole also protects the liver against damage. Researchers ascribe the anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties of fennel to postpone or off the intra cellular signaling pathway called TNF (3).”

The essential oil has fewer compounds, but choosing an oil that has lower estragole, using it in appropriate concentrations, and sticking to external use can help us access the benefits of fennel without compromising safety. Here are the top six medicinal properties of fennel I’d like to feature.

1. EMF Protection

Somewhat a surprise, as I researching electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) and the potential dangers of 5G recently, I stumbled upon a fascinating research article suggesting that fennel essential oil can help reduce reproductive organ damage due to EMFs. “The antioxidant compounds in fennel and vitamin E, with other antioxidants,” the Iranian researchers stated, “Can reduce the harmful effects of EMFs on the reproductive system.” (3)

Harmful effects of EMFs on the reproductive system? Yep!

Most people are unaware that, “EMFs induced cell death in testicular germ cell in mice” and, “According to many researchers, neuroendocrine changes caused by EMFs are a key factor in changing hormone function and cause infertility symptoms in females.” (3)

What’s the solution? Reduce EMF exposure and consider applying a 2% dilution of fennel as a gentle, therapeutic body oil to take advantage of the powerful antioxidant properties when you’re stuck in a heavy wi-fi zone. 2% dilution means 6 drops of fennel oil for every one tablespoon of carrier oil.

2. Improved Digestion

Historically, fennel seeds were chewed after meals to improve digestion. More recently, fennel has been used and tested as a remedy for infant colic. It’s important to note that the above concerns led to unfortunate and tragic side effects for some of the infants and the study and its methods should not be repeated.

However, we do know that Fennel seed oil has been shown to reduce intestinal spasms and increase motility of the small intestine.” (4)

For adults with appropriate application, we can translate that knowledge into safe use. Including fennel in recipes and moderate internal applications, as well as including the whole seed into our diets can help maximize the digestive benefits of fennel seeds.

Indications: One drop diluted into lipids and combined into recipes; topical massage oils for stomach aches.

3. Relieved Menstrual Cramps

Fennel essential oil’s antispasmodic abilities are showcased when used against menstrual cramps and dysmenorrhea. In 2001, researchers tested fennel essential oil on a rat model of menstrual issues and painful cramping. The essential oil was able to reduce both the frequency and intensity of some of the “cramp” contractions.(5)

The soothing actions of aromatherapy are well suited to this kind of application, as each step works together toward the ultimate goal of relief. The sweet aroma, calming effects of massage or breathing deeply, and medicinal actions work together to further the results.

Indications: Topical massage oil blended with balancing herbs for PMS and cramping.

4. Calmed Anxiety

A potential benefit of fennel that researchers are in the preliminary stages of testing is related to anxiety and stress reduction. The researchers using internal applications studied on mice, found significant and promising anti-anxiety results.(6) As an animal model, preliminary test, and internal use study, this isn’t a 1:1 application to real life. However, we can utilize it in our inhaled and topical anxiety oil blends or calming essential oil blends to enhance their effects. In other words: It can’t hurt to try!

This is especially noteworthy in light of the menstrual cycle benefits just described. Both cramping and anxiety tend to be symptoms of PMS and difficult menstrual cycles, and fennel could help to relieve them.

Indications: Deep breaths of anti-anxiety inhalers, topical or inhaled PMS blends, and diffusion during anxious times.

5. Inhibited Fungal Issues

Topical antifungals are a big over-the-counter market, yet not all are effective. Fennel essential oil provides a potential alternative, with excellent antifungal actions. From a 2015 in vitro study,

“With better antifungal activity than the commonly used antifungal agents and less possibility of inducing drug resistance, fennel seed essential oil could be used as a potential antidermatophytic agent.” (7)

Inhibiting pathogenic fungi growth in the form of athlete’s foot or other topical infections, or even just in the home environment, can be difficult. This puts fennel among potential protective and healing sources for combating fungal issues and skin irritations caused by ickies you don’t want.

Indications: Diluted into topical applications and foot soaks for antifungal treatments.

6. Breast Milk Production

A 2014 study published in the Veterinary Medicine Journal evaluated what the research literature had to report about galactagogue (substances used to induce, maintain, and increase milk production) in both humans and animals and found the whole herb anise and fennel to be the most potent; galactagogues

In a special section about fennel, the authors of this article state, “The first report of its galactagogue properties was by a Greek botanist Pedanius Dioscorides (40–90 A.D)…It has been used as a galactagogue in humans and no adverse effects have been reported yet… F. vulgare has been used as an estrogenic agent for centuries. It has been reported to increase milk secretion, improve reproductive cyclicity, facilitate birth, and increase libido. It contains E2-like molecules, such as anethole and estragole.” (8)

While fennel essential oil lacks other milk-stimulating components the herb has, we have seen strong anecdotal evidence of its ability as a galactagogue. Personally, Mama Z can attest to fennel’s ability to stimulate breast milk and so can the dozens of pregnant women we’ve coached from low to normal-to-high milk production throughout the years.

Indications: Applying a highly diluted blend of basil and fennel oil around the breasts into the armpit regions has done wonders for our friends, family, and pregnant women.

Unfortunately, there has been little research to prove this and it remains a controversial topic in the essential oil community. Many Aromatherapists believe that is always best. Meaning this: once the baby enters the world and has been checked to make sure that everything is ok, the only things that are needed are skin-on-skin time with Mama, immediate nursing, and nothing else. No oils, no creams, nothing. Just Mama and baby. A connection needs to be made between the two, and a primary component is through the sense of smell; which is profoundly sensitive from birth. au naturel.

A Parent’s Magazine editorial covers this topic well, and here are some key takeaways from their article. (9)

  • According to Lise Eliot, Ph.D. the sense of smell starts in the womb as baby can detect odors from the foods you eat and aromas you inhale through your amniotic fluid.
  • Subsequently, breastfed babies can even “sniff out” Mom sooner than bottle-fed babies because they are held close to their body more often.
  • Research actually suggests that, shortly after she arrives, baby can recognize the comforting scent that emanates from their mother’s breasts, underarms, and even beauty products because of her keen sense of smell,

Because of this keen sense of smell, many Aromatherapists passionately recommend that Mama shouldn’t use essential oils or scented body care products for the weeks postpartum – to give baby the time to experience the world and not overload the senses.

To this point, I feel it’s important to mention that should put things into proper perspective. Moms across the nation regularly wear deodorant, and perfume, use aerosols, burn scented candles, and bring their babies to places that are filled with fragrances. It’s impossible to avoid artificial or natural fragrances.

In fact, Marcia Levin Pelchat, Ph.D., a sensory psychologist at the Monell Chemical Senses Center, in Philadelphia. suggests exposing the baby to a variety of scents, and telling her what she’s smelling. Pelchat recommends placing safe household items and objects underneath baby’s nose – “just be sure she doesn’t inhale or touch irritating spices, such as wasabi, powdered mustard, chili powder, or pepper, any of which can create a burning sensation in the back of her nose.” (9)

  • Aromatic flavorings and seasonings (vanilla extract, cinnamon, paprika)
  • Baby shampoo
  • Clean diapers
  • Coffee
  • Crayons
  • Flowers
  • Herbs
  • Leather shoes
  • Ripe fruit

We tend to avoid dangerous artificial fragrances, and use essential oils around infants with caution and as needed to address specific needs. Mama Z will use essential oils in her nipple cream, but apply it immediately after a feeding to give it time to absorb before the baby’s next feeding.

Essential Oil Composition

Fennel essential oil can be derived from the “aerial parts” (above ground stems, feathery leaves, and flowers) or the seeds of the Foeniculum vulgare plant, and the seeds are the primary part used in herbal and culinary preparations. Typically, the seed is what is used for essential oils, as well.

Familiar compounds like alpha-pinene and limonene are found in fennel, but the seeds contain varying – and usually significant – amounts of another compound that we don’t see as often: estragole. (10)

Potential Effects of Estragole

Estragole is a phytochemical compound found in essential oils like fennel, tarragon, and basil. Interestingly, experts claim that estragole “is a naturally occurring genotoxic carcinogen with a DNA potency similar to the one of safrole.” (11) This has led to much controversy, culminating in official statements by health officials:

…Exposure to [estragole] resulting from consumption of herbal medicinal products (short time use in adults at recommended posology) does not pose a significant cancer risk. Nevertheless, further studies are needed to define both the nature and implications of the dose-response curve in rats at low levels of exposure to [estragole]. In the meantime, exposure of [estragole] to sensitive groups such as young children, pregnant and breastfeeding women should be minimized.” (11)

So how do we balance that with our family’s use of fennel to help stimulate milk supply? Well, any concern about risks associated with fennel use (both herbal and EO) seems to be correlated to long-term use. So we focus on short-term use to help establish supply. With use for a couple of weeks any potential risk is likely very low.

Note on Seizures & Hypertension

A 2011 case report tells the story of a woman who, “Although she was under antiepileptic treatment and had well-controlled epilepsy, she developed a typical generalized tonic-clonic seizure and remained unconscious for 45 minutes following ingestion of a number of cakes containing an unknown quantity of fennel essential oil.” Because of this, the researchers concluded that “This reported case recalls the fact that fennel essential oil can induce seizures and that this oil should probably be avoided by patients with epilepsy.” (12)

There are several epidemiological reasons why this conclusion is false and it is out of the scope of this article to cover each one, but I’ll leave you with this thought: just because fennel oil was a common ingredient in the cakes that this woman ate, it does not prove that fennel was the cause. This is a classic statistics blunder that many make. “Correlation does not imply causation,” because there are countless other variables that are not being considered (diet, environmental triggers, medicines, other ingredients, and etc.).

There are several epidemiological reasons why this conclusion is false and it is out of the scope of this article to cover each one, but I’ll leave you with this thought: just because fennel oil was a common ingredient in the cakes that this woman ate, it does not prove that fennel was the cause. This is a classic statistics blunder that many make. “Correlation does not imply causation,” because there are countless other variables that are not being considered (diet, environmental triggers, medicines, other ingredients, and etc.).

This is also a tough one for me to figure out because there’s virtually no research on this. Nonetheless, virtually every blog that I see on the topic states that fennel is contraindicated for epileptics and people prone to seizures.

According to Aromatherapist Lauren Bridges, a mother of an epileptic child, this issue has become convoluted by myths and jumping to conclusions prematurely.

“Long story short, a lot of the seizure lists floating around the internet are not accurate nor real pictures of the risks and threats. None of them seemingly account for species or chemotype, which makes a difference in this matter. As far as a list of oils with convulsant properties, I would check essential oils safety expert Robert Tisserand’s work, but with the understanding that this list can no way give a complete risk profile because of the nature of epilepsy an other seizure disorders.”

Same message applies to hypertension. According to Tisserand “I believe that there is no case for contraindicating any essential oil in someone with high blood pressure. As well as closely examining the evidence above, I also refer to more recent research, which confirms that the four “Valnet oils” present no risk. The lack of compelling evidence is reason enough to let go of this chimera.” (13)

If these are areas of concern for you, please contact your physician before using fennel.

Best Ways to Use Fennel

Fennel remains an important digestive substance in spite of safety concerns. When used in appropriate aromatherapy doses and for the appropriate circumstances, it remains beneficial. Remember:

  • Seizure disorders are contraindicated for some although Tisserand does not directly contraindicate fennel for seizures. Remember that levels of sensitivity vary from person to person.
  • One drop diluted into a lipid should be plenty for a full culinary recipe
  • Safety is established for inhalation, topical use, and small, diluted amounts internally. Test for skin sensitivity if you are prone to sensitive skin or allergies.
  • Don’t exceed or override cautions without a trained and certified aromatherapist

These precautions can be considered for the other estragole-heavy essential oils, including anise and tarragon so that you can feel confident enjoying their health and wellness benefits. Some of the best ways to include fennel essential oil uses:

  • Topical antifungal treatments with anise diluted into a carrier oil for topical treatment
  • Put drops of fennel oil in a carrier oil dilution and mix into your homemade bath salts to use as a foot soak
  • Topical sprays are also beneficial for applying the treatment without leaving the skin to a moist, fungi-inviting environment
  • Relieve PMS cramping and anxiety with a topical massage of anise and clary sage
  • Add one or two drops of fennel to full recipes for digestive assistance.
  • New research shows support for respiratory tract health in bovine patients, giving researchers more to study when it comes this amazing essential oil!



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