Cleaning, Home & Garden

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Did you know most cleaning supplies and gardening products are filled with toxic chemicals, even carcinogens? The very products you’re trusting to improve the cleanliness of your home and grow your food may be putting your family and pets at risk. Ditch your toxic cleaners and garden supplies and try these simple, effective DIYs that use the power of essential oils to help you conquer your household chores!

One of the most common indoor pollutants we see in homes comes in the form of air fresheners and synthetic fragrances. You’d be shocked how often that “fresh scent” is filled with toxic chemicals that irritate lungs, disrupt your endocrine system, and even create an increased risk of cancer. So what can you do? In this category you’ll find essential oil blends for your aromatherapy diffusers that will create amazing fragrances for your home without putting your health and well-being at risk.

We also show you how to switch from toxic cleaners to non-toxic, essential oil-based cleaners for your home. From sparkling windows to sanitized counters in your kitchen, to floor treatments and more you’ll find many natural cleaning tips here. Some essential oils help eliminate bacteria, viruses and can leave a clean, fresh scent without harmful chemicals.

Cleaning in the Natural Living Family also includes laundry soap, stain remover, and clothes dryer sheets. Much of what is commonly available on your grocery store shelves include ingredients that are dangerous. Laundry soaps include optical brighteners which trick your eye into thinking stains aren’t there anymore, bleach irritates the lungs and skin, and dryer sheets are filled with carcinogens and synthetic fragrances. Yuck!

When it comes to a toxic-free outdoors, organic gardening is the easiest and most enjoyable way to grow your own healthy produce. You don’t want to negate the benefits of gardening by using toxic chemicals, pesticides, and herbicides. Learn to grow organic food and beautiful pollinator-attracting flowers right in your own backyard with our Mama Z Gardening tips.

Natural pest control and weed control methods use essential oils and other organic compounds. And when pollinators visit your garden, they flourish instead of dying. From tropical hummingbird gardens to amazing herb gardens you’ll see how to grow beautiful plants without using toxic chemicals.

Transform your home’s safety with truly natural DIYs indoors and outdoors! 

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