Gardener’s Essential Oil Bug Spray

Reading Time: 2 minutes

From tiny little buzzing gnats to blood-sucking mosquitos, some insects can really take the joy out of gardening. And who wants to use toxic sprays and repellents that seep into your skin? Not me! This is my all-natural solution, an essential oil bug spray for gardeners!

Bug Spray for the Entire Family

When you’re working outside on your organic garden the last thing you need is to spend half your time battling biting insects. But you also don’t want toxic chemicals found in conventional bug sprays going right on your skin. This essential oil bug spray is safe for the whole family and great for any time you’re outside.  And, it’s not just good for gardeners!

If you’re looking for a spray specifically formulated for mosquitos, check out my DIY mosquito repellent. It’s a little stronger and I go into detail about why natural mosquito repellents aren’t a one-size-fits-all and how you can customize your spray to work for you!

Controlling pests while you’re working outside in the yard and garden doesn’t mean you have to use a lot of toxic chemicals. Our bodies come in contact with enough of them on a day-by-day basis without spraying those chemicals directly on our skin!

Gardener’s Essential Oil Bug Spray Recipe

Gardener's Essential Oil Bug Spray
  1. Mix essential oils, aloe, and witch hazel in a spray bottle.
  2. Add carrier oil.
  3. Fasten lid and shake vigorously
  4. Spray onto arms and legs and spread throughout body for working into the garden
Alternatively, you can use 4 drops each of clove, lemon, and orange essential oils.

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